Page 70 of My Unexpected Mate

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I walked to the couch, sat beside Gabriel, and turned to Annie.

“Annie, please,” I said slowly. “How can you not remember our childhood?”

“Honey, I remember it,” she said and came to sit beside me. “But you were 16, Aria. You were the new girl in our high school. We met there and we became friends. And I will always be your friend. But I didn’t know you before. And I wish that I did because my life would be a lot better, I am sure of it.”

I could feel tears running down my cheek. This couldn’t be true. What was happening to me? Why was she saying that?

I couldn’t speak. What could I even say?

Gabriel cupped my cheek and turned my head toward him. “What do you remember?”

“Everything,” I cried out. “Annie and I grew up together. She is in every memory I have from the day I was born.”

Gabriel looked toward Annie and sighed. “I don’t know what to think.”

“Aria,” Annie called me and I turned back to her. “You know I love you, right?”

I nodded, tears falling down my cheeks.

“I love you so much, but you weren’t a part of my childhood. As much as I wish you were,” she said with a sympathetic look in her eyes.

My heart clenched painfully inside me. What was happening to me? I wanted to scream. I wanted to get away from here. My breathing picked up.

“What if somebody has put a spell on her?” Nick said quietly.

“On whom?” Gabriel asked him.

“Aria,” he said and looked up at me. “You can’t remember that man who obviously knows who you are. Your memories are different from Annie’s. Maybe you are under a memory distortion spell.”

My heart started beating faster. Could it be? But who was I then? Why would somebody do that to me? Was it my grandma? Or was she under a spell too?

“Good thinking, Nick,” Gabriel said. “That would explain everything.”

“But why would somebody do that to her?” Annie asked with sadness in her voice.

I slowly got up and walked to the window taking a few deep breaths. They didn’t notice me. They were too wrapped up in their conversation.

If what they were saying was true, my whole life has been a lie. Who was I even? If my grandma did this, what was she trying to protect me from? Did I even want to remember?

My heart started to beat painfully fast. I struggled to breathe. Voices behind me became distant, my vision darkening.

I could feel my knees giving away and I fell into darkness.


Gabriel’s POV

Annie, Nick, and I were so focused on our conversation about Aria’s memories that I barely noticed her getting up and walking away.

I glanced quickly and saw her standing by the window. All of this was too much for her, she needed a break.

“I think it was her grandma,” Nick said and I put my focus back on our conversation.

“She could have been under that spell too,” Annie frowned. “You can’t be sure it was her who cast it.”

“We need to lift the spell,” I jumped in. “We will know for sure who did it when she remembers.”

Nick wanted to say something, but we were interrupted by a thud.
