Page 71 of My Unexpected Mate

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I looked toward Aria and saw that she was laying on the floor, unconscious.

“Aria!” We all screamed at the same time.

I jumped up and ran by her side. I gently turned her, so she would lay on her back. I cupped her face and stroked her cheek with my thumb. I lifted her chin slightly and listened to her breathing.

I heard her shallow breaths and was relieved. Her pulse was normal.

“Aria!” I called her loudly and shook her slightly.

She did not respond.

I tried one more time, but nothing.

My stomach twisted up in knots. I knew that she would be okay but seeing her like this was making me incredibly afraid.

Nick was shaking beside me. He grabbed her hand and growled.

“Nick, calm down. She will be okay,” I said, trying to calm myself in the process. “Annie, go to the kitchen, soak a towel with cold water, and bring it to me.”

“Please wake up, baby,” Nick said quietly, squeezing her small hand. “I am freaking out, come back to me.”

Annie hurried to the kitchen and came back a few moments later with a towel in her hands. She was shaking and looking worriedly at Aria.

I grabbed the towel from her and gently tapped it on Aria’s forehead and cheeks. I repeated the process a few times before I saw her move a little.

She scrunched her pretty face and squeezed her eyes shut. After a few moments, she opened them and blinked a few times.

“Oh, thank Goddess,” Nick said and kissed her hand.

I chuckled a little. The mate bond really messed him up. I could swear I saw him tear up a little. There was no way he would freak out this much if it wasn’t for the bond. But I was glad to see that he cared this much about her.

“What happened?” Aria asked quietly, trying to get up.

“You fainted,” I said and helped her up to sit. “Don’t stand yet. Take a few deep breaths. You will be okay.”

She smiled at me. “Thank you.”

I smiled back and got up. Nick immediately sat behind her and pulled her to his chest. He inhaled her scent deeply and I saw Annie smile a little.

“Were you worried, big guy?” Annie teased him.

He growled slightly. “Shut up, Ann.”

“I am fine, Nick,” Aria said and stroked his hand.

She tried to move away from him, but he pulled her back. I frowned at him. He should let her go.

“Don’t move yet, Aria,” he said before I could intervene. “Please, Nate needs to calm down and your scent does the trick.”

Aria chuckled and relaxed a little in his arms.

“Could you at least go to the couch?” I asked. “She is not comfortable on the floor.”

Nick sighed and nodded. “I know. Come on, get up slowly.”

He grabbed her waist and pulled her up. She was still unsure on her feet, so Annie and Nick helped her to the couch.

I went to the kitchen to get Aria a glass of water.
