Page 20 of Sugar and Splice

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“If you’re a bad person for that, I guess that makes me a terrible male for imagining what your channel will taste like.” He pitches his voice even lower when he adds, “Or how it might feel gloved around my cock as I thrust into you over and over.”

I don’t know whether he did it on purpose or not, but his hips punctuated those last few words.

I’m not sure if he was done streaming that delicious filth into my ears or if the sound of my stifled moan made him stop.

“Keep talking,” I urge.

“Why talk when I could find out for myself?”

I shouldn’t forget for a moment that he’s an apex predator. Bred and trained to pursue his goal until he captures what he wants. He’s not going to get shy now.

Nor should I.

“I’m not, uh, sure about the tasting or the gloving, Noble. Not yet. But I’d love to have your lips on mine and run my fingers through your mane.”

“We have all the time in the world. I would never push you. Yes. Let’s find that fallen log and you can give me another sampling of the best taste in the world. It has a name. I call it Jenna.”

Chapter Nineteen


A few weeks ago, I didn’t imagine I would ever know the scent of a female, much less be able to describe her taste, or the feel of her hardened nipples pressed to my chest. Now, here I am, spewing sexy filth into her ear, and she’s being even more brazen in her responses.

I didn’t think I could get any harder, but when she told me she touched herself while thinking of me, it was a miracle my cock didn’t punch through my pants.

Although part of me wants to lift her into my arms and carry her to the fallen log before we kiss. I can’t wait to touch her. Forcing myself to sheath my claws so I don’t accidentally hurt her, I place one hand on the small of her back, one on her shoulder, and tuck her against me as I claim her mouth.

I don’t even try to keep my hips from thrusting against her belly. It would be futile. My animal nature has taken over. I simply let my instincts make my decisions for me.

My purr is so loud, the vibration so strong, I imagine she can feel it. Cupping her head in my palm, I press my lips to hers, giving her only the swiftest brush before I press inside in a claiming kiss.

A contented rumble escapes my mouth and rushes into hers. She shivers as if we’re so connected she can feel my very pleasure.

Her small hands slide under my shirt and climb up my back, her fingers caressing my fur. I’m captured by the awareness that this is the first time in my life I’ve been touched with affection.

The scientists’ treatment always fluctuated between torture and abuse. The military, when they touched us at all, was perfunctory and unfeeling.

This is different. Jenna’s sweet, sensuous touch ignites something deep inside me.

It’s impossible to pay attention to all these sensations at once, so I focus on our mouths.

Our tongues dance with each other. I never dreamed this act would feel so serious or so fun, nor that the two emotions could coexist at the same time.

Her palms sneak around my flanks to my abs and slide upward until her fingers find my nipples and pluck them. This pulls a surprised huff from me. I’ve lived with these tiny male nipples all my life and never knew they were sensitive.

“If you’re not sure about the tasting and the gloving, maybe we should slow down.” I reluctantly separate our bodies, but my hands remain twined in her hair, hesitant to release her.

“Right. Right.” Her body trembles as she looks up at me, surprise written in her wide, brown eyes.

The moment I fully release her, she grabs my hand and we make our way through the underbrush in the growing dusk.

I’ve been so consumed with Jenna I haven’t paid enough attention to our surroundings. Otherwise, how have I not noticed the stench? Human males have passed this way. Recently.

Even in the dim light, now that I’m looking, I see we’ve stumbled across a recently trod path where more than one person has passed and crushed the tall grasses beneath their feet.


Jenna stops immediately, clearly attuned to the serious tone of my voice. “Males have been here. Stay close.”
