Page 69 of Favored Prince

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“Oh my god, I didn’t mean to cause such a fuss.” Hailey stands horrified as Sable, a diminutive woman in a black sheath dress and thick glasses, begins barking orders at the burly security guards and military folks. “Don’t stand there; take everything out. Everything out of the bags, but don’t you dare cause a wrinkle, or you’ll have to answer to me.”

“Oh my god, what is happening?” Hailey gawks at the scene, and I squeeze her hand.

“Sable is happening. Don’t fight it; just go with it. That’s the best way to deal with her.”

“What’s a Sable?”

I don’t have time to answer that as my sister Flora rushes forward amidst the hustle and bustle. “Are you my new sister?” My baby sister looks as if she came fresh from lazing by the beach, with wild hair, a flushed face, sandals, and a wraparound dress that doubles as a cover-up. Weird that Mother wouldn’t have given her enough warning to prepare for our homecoming, but I let it go. This is the new and improved big brother, and I desperately hope my relaxed attitude sticks.

“That’s the plan,” Hailey answers with a hopeful smile.

Flora squeals and wraps Hailey in a tight hug. “Finally! Oh, I’m so excited; I’m going to be a sister! Oh my gosh, you’re so pretty. You two are going to have gorgeous babies. I’m going to be an aunt!”

“Not yet. Soon. Maybe,” Hailey says.

Flora’s smile fades but only a little. “But you have talked about children, right? Like…the whole point of daddy putting all this pressure on Torben here is to make heirs and secure the line of succession?”

Hailey looks over at me, and I swallow. No, we haven’t talked about children.

I’m about to open my mouth to control this tiny trash fire when Sable marches over and closes the privacy curtain.

“You’re a size 12 U.S., correct?”

“I…yes,” Hailey says, a hint of blush on her cheeks.

Sable paces in a circle around Hailey, studying her and muttering. “Yes…you are a quirky one. Not tall like Flora, so there won’t be anything there to fit you. Much bustier than Kate. Taller and wider through the hips than Eugenie. Smaller head than she-who-must-not-be-named. Lift your chin, girl. Oh my, your face is very charming, isn’t it? Just like…oh! I have just the thing.”

Hailey whispers out of the side of her mouth. “What is she doing?”

Sable disappears behind the curtain, on the other side of which I can see Flora bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement.

Me? I’m out of my depth. I’m ashamed to admit I have valets who pick my clothes every day.

Sable barks at someone to “Ditch the hats and find me a headband! Something innocent but iconic. If it doesn’t sparkle, glue something onto it!” The older woman returns through the curtain, holding a soft, pale cardigan and matching dress.

She leans into Hailey and smiles mischievously. “I haven’t dressed a future queen in decades. Thank you for the opportunity, madam.”



The crew opens the door, and Torben squeezes my hand.

“That’s your cue, darling. Time to meet your public.”

Flora’s excited whispers behind me come from a place of ebullience and optimism, but I’m scared out of my wits.

I look at Torben, and he’s no help. He’s too busy raking his gaze over me, taking in the view. The snug cashmere cardigan shows off the pretty neckline of the dress. Sable went with a monochromatic periwinkle look because, as she said, it “makes my light brown eyes pop.” The look is more casual than what I would expect of most royalty, with the cardigan being short-sleeved and youthful. Almost too youthful for someone my age, but Sable insisted I had “fabulous elbows,” which is a compliment I never thought I’d hear.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” I ask Torben.

He leans forward to speak close to my ear, his nose bumping the matching bejeweled headband that Sable made at the last minute that makes me feel as if I’m a fairy tale princess.

“Because I’m trying to decide which part of you I’m going to devour as soon as we get settled in at the palace.”

Well, now. I love every part of that sentence.

I somehow love it more that he says it right in front of his waiting public, who are watching the entire interaction, including the king and queen, who, thank god, have not attempted to board the plane but are patiently waiting outside.
