Page 138 of The Wild Fire

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“You guys lived together for like, seven years. You’d think that it wouldn’t be so hard to just flip that switch and clear out enough space again,” Ziggy comments, as we stare at the terrible mess we’ve made.

“Yeah. I may have a teeny tiny problem with online shopping,” I admit.

“Well, now you’ll have better things to occupy your time,” Emma teases.

“Yeah, I’m so freaking happy that you and Davis are back together. The original gang is back!” Meghan grabs my arm and squeals.

I cringe. “Oh geez, please don’t call it that.”

“But seriously. I’m so proud of you for stepping up and facing your past, Alana.”

“Well, your wedding played a big part in that. Er. Yur non-wedding, I mean. Sorry.”

I didn’t mean to bring that up. It’s kind of a sore subject for Meghan and Cash. They still haven’t been able to find a venue that will reschedule their wedding as soon as they’d like. And the Kingston sadly don’t have any openings for a long, long time. To say that Meghan’s been stressed is a ginormous understatement.

“Any new leads on a venue?” I ask her.

“Nope,” Meghan pops the hell out of that ‘P’, and busies herself with clearing out my empty shoe boxes.

“Sorry, hun. We’ll find something,” I tell her, committed to doing better at my maid of honor duties now that any awkwardness with Davis isn’t preoccupying my brain space.

Out of nowhere, there’s a ton of banging and stomping downstairs. I perk up at the sound of Davis’s voice.

He says the words my soul has been craving for four long years. “Allie! Babe, I’m home!”

He’s home.


NowI’mthe one doing the squealing as I run out into the hallway and down the stairs. I’m so deliriously happy.

Davis and his brothers lug in boxes and hastily ‘packed’ trash bags of his stuff. I find my man in the front hallway.

“Christ. I can’t figure out where anything goes,” Harry complains, staring at the mess of bags.

“I know.” Cash drags his fingers through his hair. “What’s crazy is we literally just packed this shit minutes ago at Davis’s place and we already have no clue what’s what.”

I grin, watching the guys trying to sort through their mess.“You know, if it were us girls, you can bet every box would be neatly labeled and sorted according to size, color, and which room it was meant for. Even with just a few hours’ notice.” Jutting up a hip, I fold my arms over my chest.

Davis smacks my butt, looking annoyed and overwhelmed. “Stop being a smart ass. It might take the next seven years to unpack and figure out where everything goes.”

“But I’m super okay with that.” I drape an arm around his waist. “You’re here and that’s all that matters.”

“Well, unless kids barge into the plan sooner than that,” Davis says with a smile.

My heart flutters at the mere idea of giving Davis the babies he’s always dreamed of. The babies we’ve dreamed of together.

“Then I will happily be doing another big purge to make more room in this house,” I tell him. I grin in his face.

“Or we’ll get a bigger house.” He lifts a shoulder.

“Yeah, we’ll get a bigger house.” I echo him, shrugging too.

Our girl and guy teams quickly become mixed, as we get busy directing traffic and unpacking. We’re making a solid dent with everyone’s help when Davis’s parents show up with pizza.

“I hope it’s okay to bring dinner,” Noelle says, putting a few boxes of pizza on the kitchen counter, while Luther carries in cases of beer.

The guys all shout and cheer like little kids on Christmas morning.
