Page 31 of The Wild Fire

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“No. That’ll take us east. We want to go west.”

“Davis—turn left,” I insist.

He turns right.Of course he does.

I don’t even try to hide my annoyance. “Ugh. Why do I even bother?” I mutter under my breath.

“I know what I’m doing,” he mutters right back.

He doesnotknow what he’s doing.

And ten minutes later, we somehow end up right back at the same intersection.

That’s when another road sign announcing the town’s name catches my eye.

Starlight Falls...I muse to myself.Starlight Falls…

“Wait—I think…I think I know where we are!”

Davis’s brows dip down. “You do?”

“This is Ziggy’s hometown,” I tell him.

He glances skeptically at me. “I don’t like the sound of that…” Mr. Stubborn shakes his head. “Let’s just go back the way we came. Maybe your ‘blue road’ was better.”

“For crying out loud, Westbrook…” I growl, my temper getting the best of me.

And we argue some more.

But by the time we get turned around to try to get back on the main road, there’s a giant fallen tree lying across the roadway.

“Oh no,” I breathe.

“Shit.” He roars up at the roof.

Even if we could off-road it around the tree, the roadway we just came in on, not twenty minutes ago, is now flooded. I can’t even tell how deep it is. My heart thuds as Davis contemplates trying to get through it, estimating the size of his Jeep’s tires.

But before he can make any more bad decisions, a pair of state troopers rush past us with their lights on, parking across the road and refusing to let anyone through.

Davis curses loudly, slamming his palm on the wheel. “Shit!” He yells again.

He pulls off to the shoulder, where an inch or two of water has already accumulated.

He slips the map from my lap and studies it. “That’s the only route I can identify.”

My leg is jumping uncontrollably now. This doesn’t look good. Not at all.

I glance at him, my heart pounding. “What are we going to do now, Davis?”



Davis drives around Starlight Falls in the dark. He’s griping the whole time as I lean out the passenger side window, holding my cell phone and trying to search for a better signal.We’re both frustrated beyond reason and taking our irritation out on each other.

When I manage to get two full bars, I screech at him. “Pull over!”

The tires squeal as he does, his expectant eyes darting over to me.
