Page 17 of Wild Thing

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I squeeze her into another hug before taking the seat across from her.“You’re welcome, babe.”

Then she peers at me with a weak grin. “But salad isn’t great comfort food. Next time, can you show up with chocolate cake instead? Pretty please?”

I scoff.

“Like, triple decker chocolate cake,” she dreamily goes on, talking through her dessert fantasy. “With chocolate chips. And caramel drizzle. And that crunchy chocolate stuff. Dammit, what is that even called?”

I laugh. “You ungrateful bitch.”

“Oh, come on.”

We laugh some more.

When our laughter dies down, I look her in the eyes. “I’ll get us some cake. But no morenext times, Layla. You’ve given this guy too many chances to get his shit together.”

“I know,” she grumbles under her breath.

“And in all seriousness, this place is a wreck, babe. Do you want to move in with me? I have the place to myself—” I groan, smacking my forehead as I remember that I donothave the house to myself.

A tall, muscle-bound, bath-towel-wearing doctor is now staying at the house.Fuck my life-e-e-e-e…

“Okay. No, I don’t exactly have the place to myself. But that doesn’t matter. You could totally stay with me if you need somewhere—”

“Did Archer move in?” Layla asks in a rush. Then a red flush heats up her face. “I just mean, I haven’t seen him in a few days. And I know he’s been doing all those renovations on his place. So I figured he might have moved back into your parents’ house these days.”

I shake my head, not really sure what all the blushing is about.Weird.

“No, it’s not Archer. Shit. I wish.” I pull in a breath. “One of Felix’s stupid friends is staying at the house for a while.”

“Oh, okay…” Layla sets down her fork and gives me all her attention. “And what are you doing back in town anyway? You really caught me by surprise earlier. I wasn’t expecting to see you anytime soon.”

Though I hate to drop any more drama on Layla, I know my crap will probably serve as a nice distraction from her own. So I spill about my horrible week. I tell her about how I didn’t get accepted into med school. How I met a stranger at a bar last night and how I hooked up with himafterpunching him in the face. How I discovered that this stranger is apparently one of Felix’s closest friends. And how I am basically a disappointment to all of mankind.

“And now, me and Dr. Pretty Boy are roommates,” I say to wrap up my dreadful story.

Layla’s shock is evident on her face. “Jeez, girl. Why didn’t you call me?”

A wry laugh escapes me. “When I was crying my way back to Starlight Falls with my tail between my legs? Or when I was getting stuffed by a stranger on a seedy motel bed?”

“Okay. Fair enough.” She laughs. Then her expression turns skeptical. “But I don't know about this guy. This whole thing sounds shady.”

“I know,” I grumble. “But he looks mostly normal to me.”

Mostly normal? Ha!

Fine. I lied. ‘Normal’ is a gross mischaracterization. The man looks like he stepped out of the pages of GQ magazine. But that’s neither here nor there.

“You be careful with Dr. Pretty Boy,” Layla is warning me. “It’s the normal-looking ones that come with the most baggage.”

“I will. I promise,” I say, even though Layla is being melodramatic. In all fairness, she’s a bit jaded because of her own un-romantic situation.

“And how are you doing? With being back here and all.” She grabs my hand across the table. “I mean, really?”

“Fine. I’m fine,” I lie, forcing a smile.

Because Layla may be my very best friend in the world, but there’s really no pretty way to tell her how Ireallyfeel.

The truth is that I’m struggling. I’m searching for a way to love myself after I’ve disappointed myself. Yet again…
