Page 18 of Wild Thing

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When the heck am I ever going to get it right?



Since my car is still loaded to the brim, we head to work in Felix’s SUV. I make note of all the landmarks along the way as he drives us through town.

The hardware store. The movie theatre. The little church on the hill. The courthouse and police department.

Before long, he cuts his engine in front of the clinic. It’s a clean, but plain two story building in the heart of Starlight Falls, right across from the farmer’s market. The vacant upstairs unit has a ‘for rent’ sign in the window and the medical center occupies the ground floor.

All of the staff is there by the time we arrive, and Felix takes me around the clinic, showing me the facilities and introducing me to the crew.

I meet the secretary, Yvonne, first. She’s pregnant—very pregnant, she tells me—and I learn that she’ll be taking her maternity leave soon. Then I meet Dr. John and Dr. Clifford, the two other doctors who don’t seem all that enthusiastic to be at work this early in the morning. Then there’s Todd, this cocky as hell intern who apparently started here a month ago, and some other part time staff who handle various tasks around the clinic.

After the rest of the staff runs off to get the medical center opened up for the day, I’m standing in the front office, chatting with the few patients who are already in the waiting room. If I’ve learned anything in the past few minutes, it’s that the good folks of Starlight Falls are welcoming and kind-hearted, if not a little nosy and a whole lot quirky.Reminds me of my own hometown.

“Where’d you get that black eye?” a short lady with a head full of tiny gray braids asks bluntly, pointing at my face with her cane.

Shit. I’d forgotten about that nice little feature.

“Oh, you could say it was mywelcome to towngift.” I chuckle, brushing my fingertips along the sensitive skin.

Everyone laughs and jokes at my expense.

“At least you’ve got access to the good meds, unlike the rest of us,” says an older man wearing a ratty baseball cap. He grips his back and winces in pain.

“And if you don’t, I got something growing in my backyard you might like.” A young hippie girl grins flirtatiously, twirling her colorful beads around her long fingers.

I snort. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone.” Glancing over my back, I see Felix waving me down the hall. “Now I’d better get to work before the boss fires me on the first day.” I jog off with a wink.

I catch up with my friend and he shows me my new office. It’s not too fancy—a simple desk and swiveling chair with some metal filing cabinets in the corner—but I like it. I could see myself fitting in here. I could see myself happy here.

After the tour, we make our way back to Felix’s corner office. This one is much fancier, with a comfy sofa against one wall, tall potted plants framing the picture window overlooking the street and a heavy wooden bookcase brimming with medical books. Looks to me like he’s taken over his dad’s old office.

“You look like a lawyer or something.” Felix laughs as I glance around the room, taking in the details.

“Huh?” I ask.

He points to my necktie. “Can you even breathe in that thing?” He shakes his head. “I don’t know how you guys do things in Honey Hill but you really don’t need to dress up here in Starlight Falls. We’re more on the casual, ‘come as you are’ side.”

I nod. “I get that. But in my experience, patients feel safer when their doctor doesn’t show up in the exam room rocking theI just got a blow job in the supply closetlook.” I lift a brow at Felix, referring to his almost-constant disheveled appearance.

He’s about my height. But while I’m lean and athletic, he’s built like a mountain with shaggy hair and a devil-may-care half smile that has always sent women wild.

“Hey, don’t knock it ’till you’ve tried it.” He says with that annoying grin.

“Whatever gets you laid.” I shrug. “If the women around this town are into that kind of thing, more power to you.”

“Oh, so you’re still the same smart-ass you used to be?” He chuckles, both eyebrows raised. “Anyway, it’s good to spar with you like we used to back in school.” Then he shuffles around his desk and sits down. “In all seriousness, have a seat, man. I’d like to talk with you before you get your day going and start second-guessing why you uprooted your whole life and moved here.”

“Alright, boss. Let’s hear it,” I say, dropping into one of the chairs across from his imposing desk.

“Great. Here’s what I have planned…” Now that the senior Dr. Brighton has retired, Felix is in charge of the clinic, both medical-wise and operationally. “The local hospital just got sold to a mega corporation. Now, all the locals have been complaining about the quality of the services ever since the takeover. So I have plans to expand the office over the next few years. You know, maybe bring in a few specialists, so our patients don’t have to drive out of town for everything. Nothing too crazy, after all, this is a small town.” His eyes narrow with frustration and his lips pinch together. “But I can’t put any of those plans into action just yet. The first step is getting Dad to ‘officially’ sign over the clinic to me. I’m working on that part, though. And in the meantime, I’ve also got to focus on the small day-to-day stuff, like hiring a replacement for the receptionist who’s going on maternity leave.”

“Well, you’ve got some great ideas for the future of the clinic,” I tell him with a nod. “And I really appreciate this opportunity, man. I’ve told you how things were at my last job. Office politics. It was bullshit.”

Felix nods in understanding. “I know this is your first day, so I don’t want to put any pressure on you, but if things go the way I’m hoping they will, I could see us running this place together. Growing this place together.” He rubs his palms back and forth against each other, failing to rein in his excitement. “I know it’s too soon to make any promises, but I could see us partnering up here, Mason.”

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