Page 3 of Wild Thing

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Her tiny palm connects with my chest. “My gosh, would you stop gawking at my boobs?”

I shrink back and rub my wounded pec. “Jeez. Violence is not the answer, woman.” My gaze flicks back to her chest. I shrug. “And you have nice boobs. Most of you is nice, actually. The boobs. The ass. The face.” I scrunch up my nose. “Not the attitude, though. The attitude sucks.”

“So does your morning breath, Pretty Boy.” She turns away from me, snickering as she rapidly secures her hair in a messy ponytail.

With a chuckle of my own, I stalk after her and smack her butt. Hard. Then I yank her back, pulling her behind against my hard on.

“Mouthy girl. If I had more time with you, I’d train you to be good. Like a little puppy.”

Locking my fingers around her ponytail, I tug her head back and steal another kiss. For one heavenly second, she melts against me and moans. But then the tough girl act is back. “Yeah, sure you would.” She wiggles away from me.

Now she’s going around the room, stuffing her things into her backpack.

Shit—she’s leaving.

What does it say about me that I wish she’d stay longer? Is this what being homesick feels like? ‘Cause out of nowhere, I feel…chest-achingly lonely, and it hasn’t even been twenty-four hours since I left my life in Honey Hill.

What the fuck?

My issues are issue-ing so hard this morning.

I spin her around and lower my face, trying to kiss her again. But she ducks out of my reach.

She snaps on her lime green bra, yanks on her red Iowa University sweatshirt and shimmies into some dirty blue jeans at lightning speed. Then she grabs her backpack off the floor. “Gotta go, Pretty Boy.”

“Yeah. Go. Your little quarter-life crisis was cute, but you do need to get out of here.” I hope the playful tone in my voice masks my disappointment.

She pauses her scrambling around to glare at me. “Way to make a girl feel wanted. My god—who raised you?”

“Is that a rhetorical question, or do you really want an answer? ’Cause I’d gladly draw out my family tree, if you have a few minutes.” Not gonna lie—I’d love a few more minutes with her. I’d take any excuse.

I’d be proud to tell her about my parents who can hardly keep their hands off of each other even though they’ve been married for thirty-plus years. I’d tell her about my four crazy sisters who moved into my house the minute I left town and are probably tearing the place to the ground as we speak. About my sassy Grammy. And my cousins who never stop giving me shit. And I’d ask her where she’s from and who she belongs to and where she’s rushing off to at five o’clock in the morning.

But she’s not interested. Of course. Because this is a one-night stand.

Her lips curve into a half-grin. “I’ll skip the genealogy lesson, if that’s okay with you. I’ve got places to be."

“Fine. Be like that.” I fake a scowl. “I’m starting a new job in a few hours. I'd like to get you out of here so I can catch up on my beauty sleep.”

She chuckles, waving in the direction of my face. “No amount of sleep can fix a face like that.” She nods down at my abs. “Thebodyon the other hand, maybe we could work with the body.” Her eyes linger on the space between my legs. I glance down. My morning wood is dangling halfway to the floor.

Christ Jesus.

I spot my jeans hanging off of the box TV in the corner. I grab them and slip into them without bothering to look for my underwear.

Her eyes narrow suspiciously as she watches me pull a T-shirt over my head. “Wait—what are you doing? Where are you going?”

My forehead crinkles up in confusion. I toe on my shoes. “I’m walking you out.” Isn’t it obvious?

She vigorously shakes her head, looking panicked. “No! No, don’t do that!”

I hike a brow. “Iwantto do that.”

Sure, she’s not my girlfriend. But I was raised right. The least I can do is make sure this woman gets to her car safely. There were a bunch of creeps at the bar last night. What if they’re still hanging around in the parking lot outside?

“I don’t want you to,” she insists. “That’s not how this works. One-night stand, remember?”

“And how do you plan on stopping me?” I challenge her.
