Page 39 of Wild Thing

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That’s the look in Mason’s eyes when he yanks the sex doll out of my arms.



Iwatch Karli strut into the room with that damn sex toy clutched in her arms.

I pull the doll away from her. “Where’d you find that?” I grimace.

“It ambushed me in the garage.” My roomie sneers at me. “Almost scared me to death when she fell off the shelf. Her nipple poked me in the face, Mason.”

“That thing is ruining my life.” I groan. “This morning before work, I put it out at the curb together with all the trash cans. I thought I’d gotten rid of it once and for all. But I came home from work to discover that the waste removal truck hauled everything away…except for that fucking sex doll.” Frustrated and annoyed, I prop my ass against the sink and glare at the ugly thing. “I brought it into the garage and stuffed it behind a bunch of boxes hoping I wouldn’t have to see it again for a while. And now here it is. In my face yet again. I’m starting to think that this doll has a mind of its own. And that it’s haunting me.”

Karli is wearing yoga pants and a baggy tank top over a neon green bra thing. Her dark hair is matted to her forehead but her eyes are bright and alert. I’m glad to see that she’s not hungover after last night. But she is sweaty and flushed, and I’m pretty sure she has no idea how smokin’ hot she looks right now.

She smiles wistfully at me. “Soulmates always find each other. That’s why she keeps coming back to you. At least that’s how I like to look at it.” She pulls out a stool and seats the latex woman at the island. “Also, you can’t just put a whole human-sized sex doll at the curb, Mason. You’ve got to ball it up and stuff it into the recycle bin.” She hip-checks me out of the way and grabs a wine opener from the drawer. “You wanna do the honors?” She nods her chin toward the doll.

“You go ahead,” I say gallantly. I’m sure she’d get a kick out of the chance to stab something.

My suspicions are confirmed when she hops over to the island and gleefully stabs the doll in the shoulder, puncturing the latex. A long, loud whooping sound fills the kitchen as the air is expelled. Karli snort-giggles like a grade schooler at the fart sound. I roll my eyes but I can’t help the way my mouth curls up, seeing her amusement. She’s a fucking child.

When the doll is nothing but a saggy lump of plastic, Karli comes and softly slams it against my chest. “Here. Now get rid of her. And if I see her in this house again, she’d better be holding a rent check.”

I chuckle. “Yes, ma’am.” I give her a salute then jog down the hall and out the front door. In the garage, I roll the remains of the latex woman into a ball and stuff it into the recycle bin.

Good riddance. Finally. I hope.

My phone dings as I’m hustling back up the porch. It’s Zara trying to reach me through some social media app.

Zara: mason stop playing with me. my internet bill is due and rent is in a week. answer my messages asshole!!!

Zara: i mean baby

Zara: please

Ugh. Enough of this shit.

Social media profile.Block.

Messaging app.Delete.

Email message.Move to trash.

There. Now hopefully, my ex can’t bug me anymore.

I put my phone in my pocket and put my ex out of my mind. When I get back inside, I’m disappointed to find that Karli is no longer in the kitchen. Fuck. I think I’d been looking forward to hanging out with her for a bit. Even if it was just to listen to her keep giving me shit.

Leave the girl alone, Mason.

I go back to emptying the dishwasher, trying to figure out what the hell I’m going to do with myself this evening. But my spirits perk up as Karli bounces back into the kitchen minutes later.

She’s changed her clothes. Printed on her T-shirt, there’s a band all the girls seem to go crazy for, The Rockhard Butterflies. I never saw the appeal. She’s paired it with some itty bitty running shorts that have my imagination running wild.

She catches me staring.

I can’t help my grin. “Hi Karli…”

“Hi Mason…” She pushes past me with an eyeroll. She heads for the sink to wash her hands.
