Page 77 of Wild Thing

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“Oh, don’t play hard to get.” He squeezes my arm. “I can be your transformer, baby. All. Night. Long.” Then Drunk Guy does this gross thing with his hips, humping the air between us.

Believe it or not, that’s not even the first time I’ve heard a stupid transformer pickup line. And each one makes even less sense than the last. Makes me want to chop off my straight, pitch black hair some days. Or dye it blonde.Something.

And why can’t guys understand that a girl’s night is usually just that? We don’t need hairy, drunk assholes hitting on us like we’re here for their sick leg-humping pleasure.

Grunting in annoyance, I spin around on my stool and face him fully. “Look, I already said I wasn’t interested. Can’t you see I’m busy? Mosey on over to the other side of the room and drink your heart out, buddy.”

“Mosey? Mosey?!” He raises his voice, his face turning red, beer foam spilling over the side of his pint mug. “Like you think I’m some sort of little bitch. Do you know who I am? Who do you think you’re talking to? My dad is a U.S. senator, bitch!” With each spittle-laden word, Drunk Guy gets even more animated. Just as I was trying to avoid.

He’s yelling a bunch of nonsense, his arms waving around.The next thing I know, I’m wearing a full mug of cold, sticky beer down the front of my shirt.

Well, there goes my goddamned buzz!

“What. The. Fuck?!” I bolt off my stool ready to kick this motherfucker’s ass.

But right as I’m about to swing at the fuckwad, a magnetic force draws my eyes across the bar, connecting my gaze to Mason’s. There’s an absolutely feral look on his handsome face.

In an instant, he’s on the move, shoving aside everyone in his path—my brothers included. The man is on a quest to get to me, and nothing is going to stop him.

Before my fist can blissfully connect with the face of the belligerent loser in front of me, said belligerent loser gets tackled from behind. Mason and Drunk Guy both go down.

They’re tussling on the sticky bar floor in a tangled heap. I’m about to curse up a storm at my roommate for stealing my shot from me, but I’m suddenly surrounded by all five of my brothers.

And pure melee ensues.

Fists fly, drinks are thrown, the girls scream, and glass is shattered, as Mason and my brothers go head-to-head with Drunk Guy and his fellow drunk buddies. It’s Nolan who eventually manages to break things up and get the assholes out of his bar.

Well, so much for my nice girl’s night out.

Someone cuts the music and now, we’re all standing around in a dazed state, the guys looking a little worse for wear. I don’t miss it when my brothers exchanged confused looks. I guess they’re used to always being the first ones to jump in and defend my honor. But this time Mason beat them to it, and they don’t know what to make of that.

Honestly, I don’t either. This man is giving me whiplash.

“Are you good?” Felix asks me. “Did they touch you?”

I sniff at the acrid, yeasty stench of my wet clothes. I wrinkle my nose. “Only the beer did, apparently.”

“You stink,” Darius so helpfully offers, pinching his nose. “You should go change.”

“Thanks for the advice, brother.” I reach for my purse on the bartop, ready to dig out my keys.

“We need to get a cab.” Layla suggests. She pulls out her phone, her worried gaze on me. “I saw how many whiskeys you were throwing back, Karls. You shouldn’t drive.”

“You’re right,” I say without protest. I know she’s right. I’m far from drunk, but there’s still the tiniest hint of that good buzz I had going before the drunk transformer had to ruin my fun.

Nolan quickly steps in. “Mason will take you home,” he tells me, leaving no room for argument.

All eyes swing to Mason. His eyes swing to me.

He glares. “Fine.”

“Psht. Fine,” I wave, annoyed at needing others to come to my rescue.I’m not in the mood for an argument, though. So I decide to play nice for once.

The music resumes and the rest of the partygoers return to their party-going business. Meanwhile, Layla speaks into her phone, trying to order a cab for herself and Daphne.

Archer swiftly grabs her wrist. “You girls will ride with me.”

Layla blinks. She and Daphne share a look.
