Page 78 of Wild Thing

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“Wouldn’t want to inconvenience you, Archer,” my bestie says softly, too timid to hold my brother’s eyes for long.

Oh my god—I think Archer is blushing. “You’re—I—it’s…. No big deal. It’s on my way,” he explains with a lame shrug.

“Thank you,” Layla says, her eyes dropping to the floor.

Felix strolls up right then, his eyes bouncing between Layla and Archer. The tiniest smirk curls the corner of his mouth. I guess he’s picking up on the weird tension between them.

“You two go ahead,” he says to the awkward pair. “Daphne’s house is more inmydirection, actually.” He snaps a wink at my shy friend and bumps his elbow into her side. “Right, Daph? You’ll ride with me?”

Daphne starts glowing red in the dark room. “Um…r-right…?”

Oh lord. Poor girl is probably a mess of nerves right now. She may not make it home in one piece. Chances are she’s going to combust all over Felix’s dashboard before they even make it out of the parking lot.

The group of us exit the bar, saying goodnight on the sidewalk before parting ways.

Mason’s quiet on the ride home. He seems all fume-y and mad at me, so I tell him so.

“You’re just gonna be pissed at me now?” I arch a brow at him.

“Not pissed at you, Karli.”

“Real convincing,” I spit out, my arms folded across my chest.

His hard stare leaves the dark mountain road. They linger on me for a fraction of a second like there’s something he wants to say. Then he just shakes his head and ignores me the rest of the drive.

When we get back to the house, I stomp in the direction of the stairs.

“I’m taking a shower!” I call, even though it’s not my shower rotation.Sue me, Mason Westbrook.

His angry footsteps move toward the kitchen. “Okay. But I’m making you a sandwich. To try soaking up all that alcohol.”

“I don’t need a—”

He halts. He glares. “Karli, I’m making you a sandwich.”


Everyone’s always trying to steal my fun. Always bossing me around and telling me what to think and how to feel and what to do.

You know what? Not tonight.



My heart is thumping nervously as I climb the stairs, sandwich and water bottle in hand. Karli’s in one of her moods tonight, and that’s when she’s the most unpredictable.

That’s when I’m in the most trouble.

That’s also when I’m the most excited around her.Shit.

I’m Mason Westbrook.I-always-have-a-planshould be my middle name. But with Karli? With Karli, I never quite know what’s going to happen next.

I’ve been on edge around her, especially since what happened between us the other night.

I shouldn’t have let her put her mouth on my cock. That was my biggest mistake. Blowjobs are my weakness. They always have been, and for the record, Karli’s mouth just happens to be heaven. Sinking my cock into the heat between her thighs was an otherworldly experience all its own. And now I’m supposed to somehow muster up the willpower to resist her? How?! How?! Tell me, how do I stand a chance?

When I hit the top of the stairs, I see bright light funneling out from the bathroom. Settling the food down on the hallway table, I draw closer, surprised to find the bathroom door halfway open. Peeking in, I call out Karli’s name.
