Page 85 of Wild Thing

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When I peel my eyes open again, the blinding sun streaming through my bedroom window tells me it’s already the afternoon. There’s just something about waking up in the middle of the day that lends to a special kind of disorientation. There could be a rager going on downstairs, and I wouldn’t even know it.

I rub at my eyes, finding my face sticky from all the ugly crying. Oh, god. Will being a hot mess and embarrassing myself in front of Mason ever get old?

By this point, I’ve shown the man every ugly side of me. I don’t even want to face him. Ever again.

I snuggle down beneath my blanket, feeling safe and sound in my cozy bed. I think I’ll just hide out here until he finally decides to move out.

Something divine tickles my nose, and I breathe in deeper, trying to figure out what I’m smelling. Before I can determine what it is, I hear a light tapping at my door. That’s when I realize that the knocking must be what woke me up in the first place.

I sit up in bed, raking my hair out of my eyes. “Yeah?”

My door creaks open a few inches, and Mason pokes his head inside. “Hey…”

“Hey. What’s going on?”

Mason’s wearing this mischievous smile that spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E. It only triggers every single alarm bell in my head.

His boyish grin grows. “Come downstairs with me.”

I grumble, looking at him wearily. “I don’t wanna.” I hug my blanket tighter to my chest.

He rolls his eyes. “Come on. I’m guessing you don’t like surprises, but trust me on this one,” he insists.

I cast him an untrusting stare, and that only makes his grin reappear.

Realizing that I’m not getting rid of him so easily, I throw the covers off. “Fine.”

Still shrouded in suspicion, I crawl out of bed and tread down the hall toward the staircase with Mason on my heels.

When my foot lands on the bottom stair, I gasp.

Every wall…every surface…every archway across the living room and kitchen are decorated in brightly colored streamers and balloons.It’s like my mom’s party drawer just exploded all over the house.

“What is this?” I turn to Mason with a laugh.

My roommate spreads his arms wide with a goofy smile. “Happy Karli Day!”

There’s a largeHappy Birthdayfoil banner taped to the wall above the kitchen table. But Mason—being the man of many artistic abilities that he is—has somehow scratched off the wordBirthand writtenKarliin a thick black marker on top of it. I cover my mouth, chuckling.

He comes up behind me, placing a plastic princess crown on my head. He turns me to face him. “Hands up,” he commands.

I comply, smiling so hard it makes my face hurt. He situates a cheap sash over my shoulder that readsPrincessin bold pink letters.

I giggle as specks of glitter fall into my face. “Mason. What the hell…?”

When did he even get the time to do all this?

Still wearing his own grin, he grabs my hand and leads me out onto the back deck. There’s more balloons out here, along with a full spread of veggies and dip, his nuclear pizza rolls, a pitcher of lemonade, freshly baked chocolate cupcakes and—

“Oh my god! Is that chocolate mousse pie?” I get closer to inspect it, my hands still covering my mouth in awe.

“It’s chocolate mousse pie,” he confirms. “My top secret family recipe.”

It’s all perfect. In a way I don’t understand.

“What is all this?” I ask him again, searching the depths of his eyes.

“I’m tired of watching you beat yourself up. Today, we’re gonna celebrateyou. It’s all about you.”He shrugs, like it’s no big deal.
