Page 86 of Wild Thing

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Except it is. It’s the biggest deal.

“I…” I shake my head. “Mason, I don’t even know what to say.”

He cuts me off, pushing me down in the chair closest to the cupcakes. “Well, then letmedo the talking for once. You just sit still and listen to all the special things about you that are worth celebrating.”

He plucks a sheet of paper from his pocket and makes a huge show of unfolding it. Then he starts spouting out a list.“You have the kindest heart. You’re tough as hell. You’re brilliant and determined and curious about the world in a way that inspires me every day.” As he speaks, he starts checking the items off on the fingers of his free hand. “You drink way too many green smoothies, but your dedication to improving yourself is impressive, and it’s even rubbing off on me.”

I let out a choked laugh, my throat growing tight.

When he’s checked every item off and he runs out of fingers, he starts counting all over again. “You’re fiercely independent and hell bent on standing on your own two feet. But you don’t always have to be on your own. Sometimes you gotta be willing to accept some of that help that you’re so keen on dishing out for others. The way you care for your family, your friends, the people of this town, hell, even me…Christ, woman. This world is better because you’re in it,” he concludes. “That’s why I declare this day to be the official Karli Day.”

Then he saunters over to the table behind him and hands me something that looks like a diploma. I take it from him, cautiously unrolling it. My lips curve up when I read the sheet of paper that he clearly downloaded from the internet, filled in the blanks, and printed off himself.

“This hereby certifies that THIS Karli Brighton is the best Karli Brighton on planet earth.”

And of course, it’s signed and dated with Mason’s horrible doctor signature.

And I do what I promised I wouldn’t do. Something I never do. I fucking melt, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Mason frowns at me. “Shit. You weren’t supposed to cry again.” He drops to his knees in front of me, gently swiping at my face. I’m at a loss for words, so I do the only thing I can think of.

Leaning forward, I grip his face with both hands, hauling Mason to me. I kiss him senseless.



We somehow end up on the living room floor, talking and joking and flirting like horny teenagers. At some point, he heads into the kitchen to grab the snacks he made for Karli Day. Together, we have an all-day picnic in the living room with lots of laughing and cuddling like there’s nothing at stake.

I’m starting to think Karli Day is pretty freaking awesome.

The laughing and cuddling turn to touching and making out. When Mason gets up from the floor and yanks the curtains shut, I know that I’m in trouble.

He leans over me and plants a kiss on my forehead. “Don’t move a muscle. Gonna go grab some condoms.”

Before he can turn for the stairs, I grab his hand. “I…I’m on the pill,” I tell him. “And I haven’t been with anyone since the last time I got tested, over a year ago.”

His eyes widen. Then those brown irises go up in flames as he takes a step closer. “I’m clean, too. I’ve got the results in my email. I can go grab my phon—”

I tug on his hand, pulling him to me. “I trust you.”More than I’ve ever trusted any man.

When I say that, Mason takes my face in his hands and he absolutely devours my lips. Then he’s kneeled between my thighs, burying himself inside me and fucking me until I’m gasping his name with my toes curled in the distressed medallion rug beneath the coffee table.

Feeling him bare is so damn good, every sensation is heightened to the next level. We both come hard. He pours inside me and my pussy squeezes down on him, milking every drop of his warm, thick release.

When it’s all over, we take turns in the bathroom, cleaning up. I have no idea where to even begin searching for my panties so I just steal Mason’s too big T-shirt and slip it over my depleted body.

Then Mason is seated on the floor with his back against the arm of the couch, and I’m blissfully propped against his bare chest. He gently nibbles on my earlobe when I start drifting to sleep.

“Geez. I really wore you down, didn’t I, Tough Girl?” he asks smugly. “I know, I know. Must be hard trying to keep up with a sex machine like me.”

Fighting a smile, I wag my head left to right at his arrogance. “You’ll tell yourself anything to feed that ego of yours, huh?”

He drags his palm upward from my knee, a flash fire of tingles following his touch. “Psht. Where’s the lie, though? You know I’m a pitbull when you open up these pretty legs for me.”

His post-sex surge of confidence is annoying. And adorable. “Well outside of the bedroom, you’re the biggest golden retriever ever,” I taunt, pinching his cheek just to get on his nerves.

Mason grabs my hand and playfully bites my fingertips. “A golden retriever?” He scoffs, offended. As I intended him to be.
