Page 10 of Vicious Chaos

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I clench my thighs against the rush of electricity that travels to my core at his words. They probably shouldn’t turn me on but what can I say? We are a psycho match made in heaven, or maybe it was hell. The smile that spreads across my face is malicious in its own right as I warn, “Be careful, Bossman.” I drag my finger down his cheek, recalling the taste of him when my tongue had traced this same path. “You’re changing the rules.” I point out before dropping my voice down to a whisper. “And all of a sudden I’m feeling rather stabby.”

His responding chuckle is dark and decadent with his own amusement. The sound travels straight to my pussy and I can’t suppress the shiver that runs through me at the look in his eyes as he watches me, still smirking. “I’d expect nothing less, sweet girl.”

I drop my hand and turn away from him, already ready to go hunt down some bitches who’ve let their wandering eyes land on my men for too long. I’ve been on edge for hours now after the less than satisfying interaction with William, and Luca just gave me permission for my own brand of therapy.

I always knew the two of us finally getting together was going to cause a disaster of epic proportions, I just didn’t expect a certain blonde waitress to be the first to feel its wrath. A special type of thrill runs through me knowing I can stab that bitch now. I’m not normally so vindictive…

Actually, fuck that. Yes I am. I’ve dedicated my life to get revenge against those who hurt me. I’m a vindictive bitch and Taylor is about to find out just how much. She won’t be able to look at my Luca if I stab her eyes out, won’t be able to touch him if I cut her hands off, won’t be able to speak to him if I rip her vocal cords right out of her pretty little throat. Maybe I’ll stop there, or maybe I’ll plant a bullet between her eyes so she can’t even think about him.

It’s not like I’m a complete jealous psycho. To be fair to myself, Taylor has given me bad vibes since I first met her. Not only because of the continuous disrespect of hitting on Luca. There’s just something off with that cunt. I am going to relish in getting her out of my way. I’ve shown more restraint with her than I even thought was possible for myself.

I don’t quite make it to the doorway to go out and find the bitch before I feel Luca’s big hand wrap around the back of my neck and pull me back into this chest. I feel his breath in my ear as he whispers, “At least let her finish her shift for Adam’s sake.” I can feel his smirk as I hmph in disagreement. I’ve waited long enough.

Luca’s chuckle once again shoots through me as he promises, “I think I can find something to distract you with.”

Well shit.

Okay, I guess I can wait a little bit longer. I turn in his arms to face him but can’t keep the salacious smile off my face as I press my chest to his. “And how do you plan to distract me, Bossman?” Faster than I can react, he picks me up and spins me as he moves back until my ass lands on his desk.

His hands move to the waistband of my shorts and he slowly pulls it down as he whispers in my ear. “I’ve always been better at showing than telling.” After he gets them over my ass, he’s quick to pull them off and throw them to the ground. His fingers dance up my legs until he reaches my panties and ever so slowly teases the edges of them as he starts to place gentle kisses down the side of my neck. I tilt my head back to give him more access and at the same time push my pussy more towards him. He laughs and moves his hands lower, squeezing my thigh as he bites down on my shoulder.

I let out a small moan and start to lean more into him when he squeezes me again and I stop moving, holding still and waiting for his next silent demand. He runs his nose up my neck where he bit and I move with him, leaning more on to his desk. I put my elbows back to support me and out of the corner of my eye see something that sparks an idea.

I quickly reach for the phone before Luca has a chance to stop me. I pick it up and hold it to my ear as I hit the speed dial for Joe. Luca looks down at me, amused, but doesn’t try to stop me, instead he continues his path of kisses down my neck to my shoulder, nudging the strap of my shirt off as he goes. Joe answers almost immediately and I chew on my bottom lip to keep from making any noises as Luca tortures me with teasing touches. “Send Taylor to work the VIP bar,” I tell Joe. Luca’s hands and mouth still on my skin as he leans back, waiting for me to meet his eyes.

“Are you sure?” I can hear the hesitation in his voice, not that I can blame him. We’ve been trying to keep the cunt as far away from us as possible. I lift my eyes up to Luca’s as I grin into the phone. “Positive.” Luca rests his forehead against my shoulder and I can feel his body shaking with laughter a moment before he drops to his knees and shoves my underwear to the side.

“Oh, and Joe?” I speak into the phone.

“Yeah, Scar?”

“You should probably stay downstairs,” I warn him. I hang up to his curses just as Luca gets impatient and tears the thong from my body. I moan as I lean back and get comfortable on my elbows, opening my legs wider for him. He kisses up my leg, starting at my calf. “Do I want to know what you’re thinking?” he asks, referring to having Taylor come work up here, just outside his office doors.

I smirk. “There are many forms of torture.”

He licks over the tattoo on my panty line before reminding me, “The office is soundproofed.”

I push up into his touch. “Then I guess you’ll have to try extra hard to make sure my screams are loud enough to be heard.” The taunt is enough for him to stop the teasing and head straight to my clit, biting down hard enough to make me gasp and buck into his face again.

He laughs before soothing it with gentle rolls of his tongue before tracing down to my entrance and earnestly fucking me with his tongue. The cool metal of his piercing enhances each touch as he purposely drags it along every centimeter of my cunt until I'm shaking and moaning in his hands. I’m an absolute mess as he pushes me closer and closer to the edge, riding a certain high that only Luca can give me. A certain burn with every touch that ignites something in me much hotter than I ever knew I was capable of.

He shoves two fingers into me at the same time he starts tracing circles around my clit with his piercing and I’m helpless to the waves of pleasure that crash through me as I writhe on his face and spasm around his fingers.

I know I’m loud but I’m aware no one will be able to hear me through Luca’s door. Having Taylor up here is really for my own satisfaction and I fully plan on making it clear what Luca and I were up to when I walk out of this room. Her realizing she was mere feet away from us as we fucked like rabbits makes the twisted possessive side of me grin with glee. Right now though? Right now I only care about feeling Luca’s other piercing.

Being with Luca is hot, addictive, and downright dangerous. Each of my guys pushes me in different ways, fulfills different needs, and Luca fills a dark depraved part of me. He’s seen me at my worst, my ugliest moments, lost to the bloodlust of my revenge and he still supported me. Luca helped build me up into who I am today, but being with him, feeling his hot skin against mine, his whispers in my ear? It pushes me back to the scared eighteen year old needing someone to run away with. He burns away my walls and destroys my defenses, leaving only the purest, most passionate form of my emotions. He rips the safety nets away and we are left with only pure chaos, fire and storms, they may not go hand in hand but when they get together it’s nothing but a beautiful disaster.

He stands as the last bit of my orgasm fades away and I’m left panting. He grins at me as he slips his fingers into his mouth and sucks my come from them. “You were loud, but I think we can do better,” he teases as he leans over me, unbuckling his pants as he moves.

We are past the teasing, both feeling our need rushing through our veins, pushing us for the next hit of the addictive energy the two of us create. He pushes his long hard length into me without hesitation, his piercing dragging along my inner walls, still sensitive from my release. I moan as I lean up and capture his lips in a quick kiss. He pauses as he’s buried to the hilt and I look up into his eyes and see the love shining there.

Luca has loved me for a long time. Probably longer than even I can comprehend. All the years they spent watching me from afar, looking out for me without me ever knowing, having my back without expecting so much as a thank you. His love for me has been selfless and has hurt him for years as I pushed him away and yet he never stopped. The emotions I see in his eyes makes my own prickle with tears. Luca was the first person to ever support me wholeheartedly, to love me with reckless abandon, to accept my old self and new self without ever asking me to change.

This moment, feeling so full of him and full of my own love and a million other emotions for him, I know this is it. The moment I’ve been waiting for. The moment I think he’s been waiting for too. I look up at him through my eyelashes and swallow the nerves suddenly over taking my body. My words come out on a breath, a warm breeze that wraps around Luca and makes every muscle in his body stop, maybe including his heart.

“I love you, Luca.”

The change in him is immediate and intense as he loses control and pulls out of me before slamming back into me. I gasp and moan out my approval as Luca fucks me the same way he loves me. Passionately, selflessly, and without thought of the consequences. He fucks me like a man gone wild, violently thrusting as he hits every single one of my sensitive spots. There’s no more words or thoughts between us. Luca uses his body to drive into me every ounce of love he feels for me.
