Page 16 of Vicious Chaos

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I can’t even imagine just how low she crashed on her own when she left us. I know she wasn’t feeling the same satisfaction she got from today’s kill. I don’t know if she’s ever been so satisfied. My lips pull up in a smirk. Of course she hasn’t. I made sure of that.

It was impossible to keep my hands off of her. Every taunt, every touch that inflicted pain, I craved to be a part of it. Not the kill. I couldn’t give a fuck about Taylor. Sometimes I need blood on my hands too, but my beast has always been the cages. It’s the same, but different to her blood thirst.

Craved to be a part of what was giving her that rush of ecstasy.

I knew she’d been wanting to kill Taylor for a lot longer than just finding out she was Romano’s spy. This kill was personal to her. The disrespect of putting her hands on Luca. I knew this kill would give Scar everything she craves in one. I wanted, no. Needed to be a part of that. Of taking her higher.

And she leaned into every touch.

Nothing has ever made me feel better than knowing I could still steal her attention even when she’s focused on one of her favorite activities. Something she has been dying to do for months now.

Watching her kill Taylor was a type of my own favorite drug. When she completely lets go of her control. Lets her mask slip out of place. Lets the monster that lives underneath her skin out to play.

Her own brand of deranged destruction.

I use her arm to yank her away from Taylor’s now dead body, only to pin her back against the wall next to it.

Scar is still riding the high, letting me have complete control as she just enjoys the ride. Gets lost in the rush of her euphoria. She bites down on her lower lip as she looks up at me through her lashes.

I always appreciate our height difference, but especially when she’s like this and I can tower over her. Cage her in with just my body.

My girl is covered in blood and has never looked quite as psychotic as she does in this moment. It makes my blood rush as I lean into her.

I mold our bodies together and she writhes against me, still needy for more even after coming all over my fingers. I grab her hands in one of mine and she drops the knife she was holding to the ground. I lift them above her head and hold her there while I rip her shirt off and use the shredded fabric to fasten her hands to the chains that still bind Taylor.

A hysterical laugh bubbles up out of her, spilling from those gorgeous lips I can never stop thinking about. I drop my hand away from hers, curving up her sides instead until I reach the soft material of her bra. I slip my finger along the underwire until I reach the clasp at the back, undoing it the same time I run my tongue along her lower lip.

“Something funny, Ladybug?”

She gasps as I rip the bra from her body, leaving her top half entirely exposed to me. The blood seeped through her clothes and still smears across her chest. I slide my hand up her chest, lightly grazing over her nipples as I go. “Hmm?” I cock a brow as I swirl the blood splatter into her skin before wrapping my hand around her throat again.

She moans as my fingers tighten and she shakes her head just slightly. As much as my grip allows her to anyway. I rub my nose against hers, the blood on both of our faces making it feel slick as I move my face back and forth, enjoying the way she squirms under my grip.

“What does my needy girl want? Hmm?”

Her mouth parts open, but she doesn’t have enough air to get any words out. Her eyes roll into the back of her head as she closes them in bliss. Scar doesn’t always enjoy losing control like this, being completely and totally under someone else’s power. But sometimes she needs it and when she does, she loves it.

Her little whimpers are unlike anything I usually hear out of her. I live for these moments. Where she trusts me implicitly to take care of her needs. To know what she needs when she can’t even think straight anymore.

I loosen my hand and her head falls forward, her weight sagging against me even as her arms keep holding her up. I let her lean on me to avoid straining her arms. I don’t know if she’s coherent enough to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself or even realize if she does.

“You,” she gasps out. “I need you.”

I groan at the desperation in her voice. I drop to my knees, pushing her shorts down the rest of the way as I go. She steps out of them and pushes them to the side. I lift her legs up and throw them over my shoulders, exposing her bare pussy to me.

“No underwear, Ladybug?” She starts to laugh but cuts off when I press my face into her center, teasing her clit with the tip of my nose. “So fucking sensitive,” I murmur. I love how responsive she is, the way she reacts to even the slightest of touches. The way she’s completely helpless to me.

Her body shudders under my touch and I breathe her in. Her desire will never not be my favorite scent. I could get lost in her.

I stop teasing her and run my tongue up her center, making tight circles around her clit. I can feel how close she already is as she drips down my chin. I squeeze her ass in my hands as I devour her like a starving man, holding her pressed against me as she rides my face.

I don’t stop until I can feel her cresting that edge again. She bucks her hips and cries out my name. I hold her against my face, licking and sucking her through her orgasm, letting the waves drag out of her, giving her as much pleasure as I can.

She pants above me and I lean back to grin up at her, gently squeezing her ass again.

“Fucking hell, Stranger.” Her words come out breathy and shoot straight to my already hard dick. I carefully remove her legs from around my neck and place them back on the ground. I don’t let go until I know she’s good to stay up on her own.

She strains against where her arms are still tied, trying to free them. I smirk as I stand back up, gripping her hips and pulling her body flush to mine so she can feel how hard I am for her. “I don’t think so, Letty. Not until I’m done with you.”
