Page 1 of Melinda's Choice

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“We will be sending a convoy of our ships to the planet Ven in order to retrieve the boral crystals and bring them home safely. We cannot risk them being stolen again.”

I nod in agreement, then speak. “There is another matter we must also consider.”

The other four people sitting in the circle turn their attention to me. Unlike them, I do not lead any sector of Krovatia, our planet, but as the highest priest in the land, my views are afforded great respect.

“And what is this matter?” asks Denishar, leader of the northern sector.

“Up until now, we have refused to allow foreigners to live on our planet, and we have not shared information about ourselves with our allies. The affairs of Krovatia are a closely guarded secret. As a result, the Venorians were unaware of the power of boral crystals and allowed their planet to be attacked by the Saraxians. We must accept our share of culpability in this matter. Had we been more open with the Venorians, they would have taken greater precautions to protect themselves and to protect the crystals.”

“That is true,” pipes in Lorifena, leader of the western sector, “but it is a long established Krovatian tradition to keep our culture and practices to ourselves.”

I eye her in silence for a long moment. Under the power of my stare, her gray face and breasts darken by several shades. I continue, as if uninterrupted. “In accordance with our long established principles of peace and harmony with our neighbors, we must find ways to develop greater openness with our allies, the Venorians and the Driskians.”

“How do you propose we do that?” wonders Nevestor, leader of the eastern sector.

“I think it is time we established closer relations between ourselves and our allies. We could allow a select few of their people to live among us, under close supervision. In return, we would also send some of our people to live on their worlds, in order to encourage a greater exchange of information.”

At this, there is a general murmur of voices. Some of the leaders are clearly unhappy at the idea. It is therefore a surprise to hear the remaining person in the room speak in favor of my plan. “We must heed Kirimor’s wise words,” states Dorishena. At sixty sun rotations old, she is our most experienced leader, in charge of the southern sector. She sits ramrod straight, her legs crossed elegantly beneath her on the floor cushion, her breasts still pert despite her advanced age. “Traditions are not set in stone. We can adapt and make minor changes. I do not see any harm in hosting a small delegation of people from planets that have been our friends for generations.”

“I have no objection to this,” says Denishar, “as long as it is only a small number of people, and they are properly supervised during their stay.”

I turn to the other two leaders, awaiting their decision.

“I do not like it,” states Nevestor. “It is too great a departure from the ways of our people.”

I level him with a gaze. “Let me ask you this, Nevestor. If the roles had been reversed and our planet was the one about to be attacked by the Saraxians. How would you have felt about the Venorians withholding important information from us about the boral crystals? How would you have felt if your friends and allies had stood by and done nothing to warn you of the threat to your planet? For that is what we effectively did to them—all in the name of protecting our traditions.”

He sighs. “I take your point, Kirimor, but the deed is done now. There is nothing we can do to change the past.”

“But there is much we can do to ensure the past does not repeat itself. I do not propose that we share state secrets with unfriendly races. I am talking about peoples who we have had harmonious relations with for decades. I believe it would be a positive step, and in accordance with our values, to build greater cooperation between ourselves and our allies.”

Nevestor inclines his head. “You make a persuasive argument, Kirimor. If the others are in agreement with this, then I will not oppose the proposal.”

I look towards Lorifena. She takes a moment to read the room, then nods in agreement. “I think that we could manage to host a small number of people without too much problem.”

“Then we are all in agreement. Let us conclude this meeting as I am eager to get home and take a cooling dip in the pool.”

I pick up the tall glass ofnarion the floor before me and take a long, refreshing drink. Rivulets of sweat run down my chest from the scorching afternoon heat. I take a cloth, dip it into the bowl of ice water and wring it dry. Then I bring it to my heated body, cooling myself down as best I can. Who in their right minds organizes a meeting at such an ungodly time of the day? Personally, I am at my most productive early in the morning, but when I was called to this meeting with the leaders of our planet, I could not refuse.

Now that my objective has been achieved, it is time for me to go. I rise to my feet, swinging my tail in relief. I bow to each of the sector leaders and say, “Go in peace,” then take my leave. Quickly, I make my way out to my waiting transport and program my journey back home.

Chapter 1


Six months ago

We’ve pulled out all the stops for this dinner party, no extravagance too much. We’ve even had real filet mignon, deep frozen, shipped all the way from Earth for the occasion. Tonight, for the first time on our Mars colony, we are hosting five aliens from the planet Ven who will be taking part in our groundbreaking exchange program. They will be trading places with humans in a cultural exchange that will, I hope, grow the cooperation and understanding between our people.

All this is the fruit of many hours of painstaking labor ever since first contact was made with the Venorians last year. I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I’d been fast asleep in bed when I was roused in the early hours of the morning by my head of security.

“Tom,” I’d yawned, tapping on my communicator screen sleepily to accept the call. “What is it?”

“Melinda, we’re being hailed on our emergency channel by an unknown vessel.”
