Page 100 of Melinda's Choice

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“He was only trying to be hospitable and show me the sights.”


She rests her chin on my shoulder. “Are you going to stay grumpy the whole journey?”

I quirk my lips. “Maybe, maybe not.”

“What will clear the grumpiness away?”

“Perhaps if you were to come and perch your delightful bottom on my lap and place your arms around me, then you might be able to dispel my grumpy mood. Of course, if you wanted a guarantee of success, you could then decide to place your lips on mine.”

“And that will definitely chase the grumpiness away?”

“Most definitely.”

“Hmm,” she says, as if considering the matter.

I raise a brow. “Melinda!”

She laughs, a delightful tinkling sound, and promptly deposits her pert backside on my lap. With a smile, she places her arms around me, and I immediately trap her in the noose of my tail. “Kiss me,” I growl.

“Or what?”

“Or I shall die a thousand deaths until you do.”

“Well, we can’t have that,” she whispers and brings her lips to mine.

All teasing is over as soon as our lips meet, hers soft and plump beneath mine. I kiss her hungrily, licking the seam of her lips and demanding entry. She parts them and I plunge inside. Our tongues meet and lap at each other as we feast on the other’s taste. Her kisses are like a drug, sending me into delirium. We are so caught up in one another that we do not notice we have arrived at our destination until we feel a slight bump as we land. We pull apart, breathless and panting, eyes burning with desire.

“Kirimor,” she breathes.

“I know, my love, I know.” I kiss her softly one last time, then shift her off my lap to stand and pull her up with me. “Come.”

We get down from the drone which flies off, leaving us alone in the middle of the jungle. Melinda looks around uncertainly. We are in a small clearing surrounded by a thick band of trees. “Err, Kirimor, are we in the right place?”

I draw her to me. “Do not worry. Come. Let me carry this for you.”

I take hold of her travel bag with one hand and hold out my other to her. She grips it tight as I guide her towards a small break in the trees, which reveals a hitherto unnoticed path. We pick our steps through it, walking for a quarter of a beat. Around us is silence, except for the normal sounds of the forest—a rustling here and there, the faraway cry of one of its creatures, the slither of a ground based animal fleeing our approach. Through our touch, I sense Melinda’s pulse racing with anxiety. “It is fine, my love,” I soothe her. “Just a short way longer.”

A few steps later, we begin to hear the rushing sound of water. We quicken our pace towards it. In a short while, we find a narrow stream which we follow for another quarter of a beat. It widens the further we go. And then we see it. The stream falls in a rushing cascade into a medium-sized pool of crystal clear water carved by nature into the rocks. Above it, built into the trees, is a large wooden cabin.

Melinda stops and stares. “Oh my.”

I enclose her in my arms. “Do you like what you see?”

“It’s much better than I could ever imagine. The cabin even has a front porch to sit and watch the waterfall. Kirimor, it’s gorgeous!”

“Come, let us explore.”

I lead her around the edge of the pool until we reach the base of the trees. Hidden at the back of one is a narrow ladder that leads up to the cabin porch.

“You go first, my lovely.”

She climbs up the steps gingerly, while my eyes follow her every move. We reach the top and stand together, surveying the view.

“It’s beautiful,” she says breathlessly.

“Come have a look inside.”
