Page 99 of Melinda's Choice

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“Dorishena, you are aware that I have been sicortar now for twenty-three sun rotations. It is time for me to find a successor.”

“I realize this day would come, but I did not think it would be so soon.”

“I have personal reasons for wishing to expedite matters.”

“Could that reason have anything to do with the beautiful Human, Melinda?”

“You are perspicacious as well as wise, Dorishena.”

“It was plain to see that you only had eyes for her earlier on. But surely that is not reason enough to quit your post as sicortar?”

“It is, Dorishena, if I am to mate her. She refuses to share me with my drashas, and I am equally jealous and possessive of her. We must both be free to commit fully to the other.”

“I see. This has come at an inopportune time, Kirimor, when you have mightily important work to do.”

“Rest assured that I will always do my duty, regardless of my personal wishes, but I am hoping that with a little mentoring, Melistor will be able to step up to the position very soon. I will observe him tomorrow in a holy trance and guide him.”

“Then I wish you luck, Kirimor.”

“Thank you, Dorishena. Am I to take it that, should my request to step down as sicortar be presented to the four sector leaders, you would view it favorably?”

“As long as you present us with convincing evidence that Melistor is up to the challenge of being sicortar, then I will of course view your request favorably, as I am sure will Denishar. With the two of us on board, it should not be difficult to sway the other two leaders. However, I warn you, I will require proof that Melistor is up to the job.”


Our discussion over, we both come out of the trance. I stand and bow, “Go in peace, Dorishena.”

“Go in peace, Kirimor.”


I wait for Melinda in the main atrium, sipping on a glass ofnariand checking my communicator for messages. I update Denishar on my meeting and ask him to send me a list of known associates for the people under suspicion. Within a beat, he sends me back the information requested. I shall try to make a start on this tonight, as time is of the essence. Some instinct is telling me we need to root out these conspirators fast, before anything serious happens to our planet’s security.

I look up to see Melinda approaching, followed by Sholinar and Desimar. I stand and go to her. “How did the rest of your meetings go?” I ask.

She beams her beautiful smile. “It went well, thanks. And you? Did you conclude your business with Dorishena successfully?”

“Indeed I did, and now I think we may take time to enjoy the rest of our afternoon. Come with me, my lovely.”

She follows me into the tropical heat outside and climbs into the waiting drone. Desimar rushes forward, as if to accompany us.

“Thank you Desimar, I can take it from here. You may go with Sholinar and we will see you in the morning, when the both of you will escort Melinda to her meetings.”

“But sir, I am under strict orders to be with her at all times.”

“Not when she is with highest priest in the land,” I boom. “Go in peace, Desimar.”

I close the door of the drone, not waiting for any further arguments. The engine starts immediately, and soon we are in the air, on the way to our destination.

“Where are we going?” Melinda wonders.

“I am taking you to a delightful place in the rainforest, where we shall be staying the night. It is another cabin, but this one is beside a natural rock formation with a clear pool of water.”

“Oh! Desimar was telling me about this. He had planned to show it to me.”

Melinda’s words set my teeth on edge. “The more I hear of this Desimar, the less I like what I hear.”
