Page 11 of Melinda's Choice

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I place my chin on Wyatt’s shoulder. “The only other possibility that occurs to me is to lead a diplomatic mission elsewhere. There has been talk of establishing an Earth Federation embassy on the planet Ven—which by all accounts is beautiful and lush, a far cry from Mars. Shay Smith described it as paradise. Maybe I should be putting my hat into the ring for that.”

“You’re sure you want to continue being off planet? There are other avenues you could explore if you wanted out of Mars.”

“I’ve thought about it. I could try to get back into the political game in Washington, but I’ve been away much too long. Also, my experience on Mars has given me skills and knowledge about inter-planetary relations that few others have. It’s one of my strengths, and I have to play to it.”

“True, but you’d be living away from humans, among alien species whose way of life is different to ours. Is that what you really want?”

“It’s not like humans have endeared themselves to me,” I say dryly.

He snorts. “Yeah, I don’t know how you did it. The Washington political scene is like a snake pit.”

I run a gentle finger along his cheek. “You made it possible. I knew, no matter how vicious things got at work, I could come home to the comfort and normality of you.”

He imprisons my hand in his and kisses it. “Oh Mel.”

There is a heavy silence between us. Wyatt breaks it with a sigh. “Well then, go for it. They’d be crazy not to pick you.”

“We’ll see.” I lean across and kiss him softly on the lips. “Come on, let’s get going.”

With that, I pick up my rucksack and put it back on. Wyatt does the same, and we resume our hike.

As we walk, I let my mind wander along with my feet, thinking about my twelve-year marriage to Wyatt. It doesn’t take a genius to know he wants me to move back to Washington permanently and give our relationship another chance. I kind of want that too, but I’m on the fence. It wasn’t a lack of love that broke us up, nor any infidelity. It’s just that our lives were heading in different directions. We were young when we met, still in college. It seemed back then that we both wanted the same things, both of us high achieving and driven.

Things changed a few years ago. Wyatt got off the ambitious, career driven train while I stayed on it. I still sometimes can’t believe he ditched his high profile business consulting job and retrained as a goddamn chiropractor. To be fair, he seems much happier now doing a nine to five, away from the high stress environment he was in before. Problem is, it’s created a mismatch in our lives. When I was offered the ambassadorship on Mars, we both knew he wouldn’t want to leave his budding chiropractic practice and follow me there. So, we separated, eventually deciding to call it quits on our marriage. And now here we are back again. Do I want a repeat?

I study the back of his head as he walks in front me, blond hair darkened by sweat and curling a little at the nape. There’s no doubt I love him still. I probably always will. I missed him like crazy on Mars. I don’t think I could have survived being there alone without our regular calls and the long chats we had late into the night. He’s my best friend as well as my lover. I can’t imagine being with anybody else.

When the case is put like this, it seems mad that we ever separated. And yet… If I hadn’t left him, I never would have experienced everything I did on Mars. It would have been somebody else, not me, who made first contact with the Venorians, while I watched the news footage jealously from Earth. Now, with the possibility of an ambassadorship on Ven, I’m aching to set foot on that distant planet and experience life there. Getting back together with Wyatt would mean giving up on that dream too.

I blow away a stray strand of hair, feeling frustrated. There are no easy choices. When have there ever? Resolutely, I park these thoughts and decide to enjoy the moment. Quickening my steps, I catch up with Wyatt and grab hold of his hand.

He turns to me, surprised. “Hey.”

I kiss his sweaty cheek. “Hey.”

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“I’m thinking, I could murder for a dip in the hot tub right now, how about you?”

He kisses my lips. “I’d happily be an accessory to that murder.”

I laugh. “Come on, only another two miles to go.”

Some hours later in our room, we both undress and stand, gazing at each other’s naked bodies, cataloguing the changes since we were last together. Wyatt keeps himself in shape. There’s only a slight thickening at the waist to suggest he’s now in his early forties. His golden brown chest hair, very lightly sprinkled with gray, thickens as it trails down towards his groin, where his cock is already rising stiffly, displaying the frenum piercing on its underside.

I see him look hungrily at my pierced clit. Our wedding rings may have come off, but this mutual exchange of body jewelry still exists, reminding us that once, we were together as one.

“Come here,” he says gruffly.

I go to him and wrap my arms around his neck. His skin warms mine everywhere we touch. He captures my mouth, and we kiss for a long, long time, reacquainting ourselves with the texture and taste of the other. My tongue reaches into his mouth, playfully tangling with his. Soon, the kiss becomes more heated, our playful licks turning to long, needy strokes and hungry sucks. When finally our lips part, we’re breathless. Wyatt rains kisses along my jaw and to the sensitive flesh of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

Standing on tiptoes, legs spread wide, I rub my pierced clit against his hard shaft, enjoying the sensation. At the same time, he grinds his cock against me, finding his own stimulation. We discovered this nifty mutual masturbation trick soon after our piercings were healed. We could come just by rubbing against each other, whether standing or lying in bed. It helps that we’re about the same height, his five feet eleven only topping me by an inch.

My wetness drips onto his cock, making it easier for him to slide against me. We stand there together in a tight embrace, grinding against each other, moaning and grunting as we seek our release.

“I’m close,” I pant.

“Me too,” he says huskily, “so we better stop. If I come now, I won’t get to fuck you for at least an hour.”
