Page 110 of Melinda's Choice

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“Kirimor, please don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t feel comfortable sharing a home and daily meals with women you used to fuck. My home needs to be mine, not some shared harem with a load of other females. Some alternative arrangements will need to be worked out if you want me to live as your mate.”

I stare at her. “You are seriously asking me to turf my drashas out of their home before you will agree to be my mate?”

She meets my stare defiantly. “No, I did not say that. All I said was thatIwill not share a home with them. Perhaps we need to think about having a separate place of our own.”

I sit back, shocked to my very core. I had not thought my Melinda would ask this of me. She sees my distressed expression, and her face softens a fraction. “Let me ask you this, Kirimor. How would you feel if you had to share a home with Wyatt in order to be with me? Would you like it if my ex-husband slept in a room down the corridor from you and shared each meal we had? Would you like to sit opposite the man who knows my body intimately and who put that piercing on my most private part? Would you be happy to have him in your orbit day in day out?”

Truthfully, no. I would not like that at all. I begin to see the problem, but not how I will solve it without gravely disrupting the life of my children and of my faithful drashas, who have served me so loyally for so many sun rotations.

I take her hand in mine and kiss it. “I see I have much work to do still, but I will find a way forward, my lovely.”

She smiles. “Good.”

I bring her head to rest on my shoulder. “Rest now, my love.” She closes her eyes, and soon I hear her breathing deeply as she slumbers. I close my eyes too, but not to sleep. I have much to think about. Trust my luck to fall in love with a difficult, challenging woman! There are so many obstacles still in the way of my claiming her as mine. Some would ask if she was worth the trouble. Without hesitation, I would say yes. I recall the peaceful evening we had last night, just the two of us, working together in quiet harmony. I want more such evenings. Guiltily, I am aware that this will come at a price—a curtailment of my children’s easy access to me. Or maybe not. Maybe, I need to think of an imaginative solution to my problem. It is not my children Melinda has an issue with. I know for a fact how much she already cares about them. It is my drashas that are the problem.

How do you solve a problem like my drashas?

Somehow, I will find a way. I may not have “amazing” blue eyes, nor hair the color of a golden sun, but I have a tail, a large cock and an addictive scent. I can give my Melinda sensual pleasure beyond her imagining. And crucially, unlike Wyatt who had countless chances to keep her but failed to do so, I will fight for the woman I love.

Chapter 33


Kirimor sees me to my door on our return from the southern sector. He’s been preoccupied since I laid down my ultimatum about his drashas. I don’t know if that is a good or a bad thing.

I saw the shocked look of disappointment on his face when I made it clear I would not live among them, but I don’t think my demands were unreasonable. I’m not going to sit through my meals every day with a nubile young woman making sappy eyes at him. It was painful enough that one time I had lunch with them. It’s not that I want him to cut them out of his life—they are mothers to his kids and I respect that. I just don’t want them in my orbit on a daily basis. Is that too much to ask? God, this is fucking complicated!

Kirimor slips his tail around me, drawing me to him. “Are you sure you do not want to come home with me, my lovely? I will miss having you in my arms at night. I can wait while you collect your belongings.”

“No, Kirimor. I can’t. We can’t. Until things are settled between us, it’s best if we sleep apart.”

“Things are settled. I love you. You love me. We want to mate.”

I kiss his lips softly. “You know they’re not. You have a lot of untangling of your life to do before you can be with me. It’s best you get started on it.”

He grunts. “I want to be with you, Melinda. Every night I want to lie with you and wake up with you beside me.”

“I want that too,” I whisper.

He sighs. “I will make it my top priority.”

“Goodnight Kirimor.”

He holds me to him, kissing the top of my head. “Goodnight Melinda.”

Reluctantly, he removes his tail and steps back. I watch him get back into the drone and fly off, before I go inside.

The house is quiet as I make my way back to my room. I put my bag down and slip off my shoes, then lie down on the bed, my hands tucked behind my head. So much has happened in the last twenty-four hours. It’s only now I get to process. My hand slips down under my pants and touches the new jewelry on my clit, then back up to the pendant that’s still draped across my hips. I’ve been well and truly claimed by the Krovatian high priest. Except, to win me, he needs to stop being a priest. I wonder how easy that will be.Don’t count your chicken until they’re hatched, Melinda. That’s what my mama used to say. Wise words.

My communicator buzzes with an incoming message. It’s from Wyatt. I open it and watch a projected image of Wyatt smiling at me. At the sight of him, my heart aches in pain and longing. Pain that finally, our paths are set to diverge permanently as I start my new life with Kirimor. And longing because, despite everything, I still miss my ex-husband like crazy. I wish there were a way to sever that connection, to end it all cleanly, but years of being together, of loving each other, has imprinted him on my heart.

“Honey, I have big news…”

I listen in amazement as he tells me about his first space flight and that he’s coming to Krovatia with a troupe of artistic performers. When it ends, I replay the message, still not quite believing my ears. Wyatt is coming here to Krovatia.

A few weeks ago, this would have been the best of news. And then, things had to get complicated. I put my communicator back down and wipe a stray tear impatiently. Coming on top of everything else, this is just more than I can handle right now. I stomp over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get myself ready for bed. The sad wistfulness of a moment ago has been replaced by a surge of anger. In my head, I’m ranting at my ex.Why now Wyatt? Why couldn’t you have done this throughout all those lonely years I endured on Mars? Why, just as I’ve fallen for someone else, do you do this kind of gesture now? Your timing sucks. Big time.

I get into bed, still smarting. Men! Who needs them? Here I am stuck in the middle between a man encumbered with a harem of women and another who thinks he can just pick up where we left off three years after separating. The way I’m feeling right now, I want to give both of them the boot. Stick to my career instead; that’s never let me down. I force my mind to focus on work matters. Tomorrow, I need to start making overtures to the other sector leaders about a trade mission of representatives from our pharmaceutical industry to Krovatia. I worked hard to get Dorishena to agree to my plan. Now I need the other sector leaders to rubber stamp it and get the ball rolling. I’m not here on Krovatia to sit on my ass and wallow about the men in my life. I’m here to get things done. And I will.
