Page 111 of Melinda's Choice

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Chapter 34


I spend a restless night. One night with Melinda has spoiled me for all others. Now all I can think about is the fact I desperately want to wrap my tail around her and have her in bed with me.

I wake to a warm little body nuzzled into my arms. Little Kiritela has found her way to my room again. I stroke her back fondly. My sweet little girl. I missed her the last two rotations I’ve been away. Then, my thoughts turn serious. If I do as Melinda wishes me to, then Kiritela will no longer live under the same roof as me, and I won’t be here for her every time she wakes in the night and needs a reassuring cuddle. My heart baulks at the idea. There again, if I am being rational, this is just a phase that Kiritela will soon grow out of. She will not always need to come seek me out at night. Much as I love my daughter, it is not her I need in my bed at night.

I wake her with a light rub to her shoulders and a rumble in her ear. “Good morning little star. Did you miss your pa?”

She stirs, yawning loudly. “Lots and lots.”

“Tell me about what you’ve been doing while I’ve been away.”

She turns on her side, opening her eyes and making a face at me. “We learned a new song at school. I wanted to sing it to you.”

“Well, you can sing it to me now. What is it called?”

“It is called Oh Krovatia.”

“Sing it to me.”

She sits up, all traces of sleep gone, and begins to sing.

On and on we roam

Looking for a new home

Our old one destroyed, oh no!

Our old one destroyed, oh no!

And then we found you

A place to start anew

You’re our refuge oh Krovatia

Oh Krovatia we love you.

I smile as I listen to the song all school children on our planet learn from an early age.

“Do you like it pa?” my daughter asks eagerly.

“I love it, and you sing it so well.” She preens at the praise. “Now my little star, it is time for you to go wash and get yourself ready for school. Give me a kiss before you go.”

Kiritela drops a sloppy kiss on my cheek which I wipe discreetly away once she is out the door. Then I too get myself ready for the day ahead. There are yet more scans to do. I have to call Melistor and discuss next steps. And I have to start thinking about how to solve my drasha situation. But first, like the oxygen I breathe, I need to see my Melinda and speak to her. I pull out my communicator and call her.

She answers, sitting at a table drinking something hot and steaming from a mug. I learned from our previous interactions that this is an Earth drink called coffee that many Humans like to drink first thing in the morning. “Good morning, my lovely. How did you sleep?”

“I slept great. And you?”

I make a sad face. “Not so well. Someone was missing in my bed.”

She huffs. “Kirimor, you have spent most of your adult life without me in your bed. I’m sure you can remember how to sleep in it on your own.”

“I am sure I can, but I do not want to. Being with you, my lovely, has spoiled me.”

She smiles, despite herself. “There is an Earth saying which says, patience is a virtue.”
