Page 118 of Melinda's Choice

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“No, Dorinor, I have not come for me, but for my Melinda here, who is shortly to become my mate.”

“Your mate? You will no longer be sicortar?”

“I shall be handing over my duties within the next moon rotation, I hope. And as soon as I am free, Melinda and I will mate.”

His eyes turn to scrutinize me. “Welcome Melinda. May I be one of the first to congratulate you both.”

“Thank you,” I say.

“Please, come inside to my private art room.”

He comes away from the counter where he was leaning and leads us down a short hallway to a door, which he opens and beckons us in. There is a large reclining couch next to a table full of pots and utensils.

“Please, Melinda, take a seat here. And sicortar, perhaps you would like to sit on the chair beside it.”

We do as he says, while he takes out a large tablet and stylus, flicking the screen to a set of designs. “What are you thinking of, in terms of design?”

“I would like her body art to match mine as much as possible. See this delicate leaf pattern across my chest? I would like it replicated on her, going around her bosom and over her shoulders to join at the back. In addition, I would like you to swirl my name in a circle around her teats in that calligraphic style you use on mates.”

“Of course, that will be no problem. Will you also have her name inked around your male teats?”

I’ve been blushing as they discuss my body, not knowing where to look, but now I raise my eyes to Kirimor, taking in his wide, muscular chest with its smooth pale gray skin and the flat, dark nipples. He meets my gaze with an intense stare of his black hooded eyes.

“Yes, I will have Melinda’s name inked on me too.”

“Very well, let us begin with you Melinda. Would you please disrobe so I am able to see how the pattern will flow across your body?”

“Yes, of course,” I mumble. I stand and start pulling my dress over my shoulder. Kirimor is at my side, taking it from me and placing it on the edge of the couch. He reaches behind me to unclasp my bra and gently pull it off.

“Melinda my love, you may as well take these off too,” he says, pointing to my panties. “Then I can dress you in one of your new loin cloths.”

I glance hesitantly at Dorinor, but he is tactfully looking away, sketching out a design on his tablet. Quickly, I pull my panties down and hand them to Kirimor, who in turn gives me the loin cloth he has chosen for me to wear. He helps me into it and ties the laces securely for me. Stepping back, he grins, “Oh yes, now you are beginning to look like a Krovatian! All that is left is to decorate your body. Are you ready Dorinor?”

“I am indeed. Please Melinda, could you come and stand here while I work out the details of the design on you?”

I do as he says, and he holds out his tablet, taking a photograph of my torso. It appears immediately on his screen, and he quickly sketches a preliminary design over it. Kirimor looks over his shoulder, giving advice and guidance here and there. In a matter of minutes, the sketch is ready and he holds it out to me. “Would you be happy with something like this, Melinda?”

I glance at it in surprise. The body on the screen is me, but it’s also not me. I’m amazed how a little body art can transform how someone looks. I take in the delicate leaf pattern that traces its way in an undulating fashion over my left breast, down the valley in between and up again over my right breast, before moving upwards toward my shoulder. I can also see the calligraphy that’s been sketched less than an inch from my nipples, going all the way around.

“It’s beautiful,” I breathe.

Dorinor smiles proudly. “Thank you. How about you, sicortar?”

“It is perfect,” Kirimor says.

“Oh good. Then please, Melinda, come and lie on the couch here while I paint the front part of the design on you.”

I climb on to the couch and lie down, leaning my head back on it. Kirimor settles himself in the seat beside me, his tail gently swishing over the lower half of my body, avoiding the top half which is about to get painted. Dorinor picks up a very thin brush and dips it into the black-colored paint.

“I’ve always wondered how the art manages to stay on the body for so long before it has to be replaced,” I say as a way to distract myself.

Dorinor smiles. “It is technology unique to Krovatians. This paint has special properties that allows it to sink below the surface of the skin and remain there for several moon rotations. Eventually, continued exposure to the rays of the sun will dissipate it. At that point, it is usual for Krovatians to return and have their next design inked on their bodies.”

He begins very carefully to paint the pattern across my chest. Kirimor picks up the thread of the conversation. “When the time comes, my lovely, we will have our new art painted together. We will first discuss what we wish to have on our bodies and agree on the same design for the both of us.”

“That sounds… very domesticated.”

“It will become part of the rhythm of our lives as mates. Every three moon rotations, we will come see Dorinor for our new body art.”
