Page 119 of Melinda's Choice

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Dorinor grins as he continues painting the delicate pattern. “Sicortar has been coming to my shop for the last ten sun rotations. I have enjoyed the challenge of painting art to his exacting standards, but it will be double the joy to have your beautiful breasts as my canvas.”

I flush, my whole body heating up, something that does not go unnoticed by either male.

Dorinor pauses his work and glances up apologetically. “I trust I have not offended you, Melinda. Please forgive me if I have.”

“N-no,” I stammer, “don’t apologize. I’m just unused to having my breasts seen and talked about.”

“They are truly beautiful, Melinda. You are blessed.”

“She is stunning, is she not?” asks Kirimor proudly, his tail swishing over my thighs, and edging uncomfortably close to my crotch.

“Indeed, sicortar. You are a very lucky male.”

“Thanks,” I mumble.

We stay silent for the next few minutes as Dorinor completes the leaf pattern and begins the intricate task of writing Kirimor’s name around my nipple. The flesh there is more sensitive, and when the paintbrush touches it, I can’t prevent a little shiver going through me. Dorinor pauses, looking a little stern. “Please Melinda, it is important that you stay very still while I paint you.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, trying not to squirm in embarrassment as I feel a corresponding wetness begin to seep through my nether regions.

Kirimor’s eyes narrow at me as he catches the scent of my arousal. I very much fear that Dorinor is scenting it too. Damn it!

“It seems that my Melinda finds the touch of the paintbrush around her teats pleasurable, Dorinor. But she must be a good girl and stay absolutely still, no matter how much she enjoys the touch of your brush. Perhaps, if she manages to hold herself perfectly still, I might be minded to reward her very shortly.”

“That sounds eminently fair, sicortar.”

I can’t believe these two are casually discussing my pleasure while I sit mutely between them. I grit out, “I can stay still.”

“I know you can, my love,” Kirimor purrs. “And I look forward to your reward.”

I take a long breath, trying to slow my racing pulse. The next five minutes are agonizing as the brush flits close to my sensitive nubs, while I exert all my efforts on trying to control my reaction.

Finally, it’s done. Dorinor places the paintbrush back on the tray, saying, “We need to wait a beat while it dries, before I can turn you over to do your back. I will leave the two of you alone, as I am sure sicortar wishes to give you your reward.”

He stands and walks to the door, shutting it gently behind him. I heave out a soft sigh of relief. “Kirimor, that was so embarrassing.”

He tuts. “No, no, you must not think that way. It is very common for females to become aroused when their breasts are being painted, and Dorinor is well used to it. Now let us focus on your reward, my lovely, for managing to stay still despite feeling so stimulated.”

He unlaces my loin cloth and pulls it away, examining the wet patch on the inside of it with interest. “Part your legs,” he growls.

By instinct, I obey the commanding tone of his voice, opening myself to his hungry gaze. He touches a possessive finger to the new barbells on my clit which he put there not long ago. I hiss at the contact. “So pretty,” he croons. Dipping his finger further down where the moisture is leaking out of my slit, he brings it back to my clit, beginning to rub back and forth.

“That feels good,” I gasp.

He adds a second finger to the mix, getting greater coverage of my sensitive areas and keeping up a hypnotic rhythm. His tail, which had been lying on my thigh, now slithers up towards my opening. With a quick stabbing motion, it enters me, sliding deep inside my pussy.

“Oh fuck,” I moan.

“That is exactly what I am doing, my lovely, fucking you with my tail.”

He pulls it back slightly, only to plunge it in even deeper.

“Oh my God!” I cry.

His two fingers start a more rapid movement back and forth on my clit, tugging at my piercing and sending tingles of pleasure pain down my body, while his tail fucks me in quick, sharp thrusts.

“Oh God! Oh God!” I repeat over and over. I can feel my climax building like a giant wave about to crash on the shore.

“Come for me, my lovely,” he growls softly.
