Page 121 of Melinda's Choice

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“He said, ‘Funny you should say that. The body artist you asked me about said something very similar just this morning as he painted me. In fact, he seemed very sure that such a day was coming soon, so perhaps we will not have to wait a lifetime for it.’”

“Anything else?”

“No, after that I suggested we head out to my place which was only a beat away, and take a dip in the cool water of my pool together. He agreed and came over to my place where we had a very convivial evening. When I woke up this morning, he was already gone, though he left a fragrant flower on my pillow as a mark of his appreciation.”

“Did he give you any more information about this body artist?”

“No, only what I have told you, that he recently opened a shop in the hilly quarter.”

“No name?”

“I am sorry sicortar. I was too otherwise occupied with seducing him to investigate the matter more fully.”

“No need to apologize, Dorinor. This information you have given me is very helpful. I will look into this, thank you.”

Dorinor finishes painting Melinda, who is still fast asleep. He has me stand before him while he paints her name around my flat teats. I thank him for his efforts and pay him, giving him a little extra for the information he has conveyed.

“I thank you, sicortar.”

“The honor was mine, Dorinor. Go in peace.”

“Go in peace, sicortar.”

He leaves the room, instinctively giving me the privacy I require at this moment. I take out my communicator and quickly message Denishar with this new information. I get a reply saying he will get his operatives to discover the name of this body artist as soon as possible so that I can scan him. There is also a message from Melistor, indicating he will arrive at my home shortly after midday. I have invited him and his family to stay at my house for the next moon rotation as I hand over my duties to him and train him further.

I send a response to Melistor.

Me:Good. There is much work to be done as we have found a new lead.

Melistor:I look forward to working with you on this and fulfilling my duty.

Me:Safe travels, Melistor.

Before I pocket my communicator and wake Melinda, I send one last message, this one to Dresolor, asking him to prepare the cabin for our long-term occupation, starting from this evening, including moving all my personal belongings there.

Me:Please make something special for our evening repast to mark this first evening in our new home together. Melinda greatly liked eatingmishu, so perhaps you could include this. Also please ensure we have a good supply of Lom to drink.

Dresolor:Of course.

Me:Dresolor, could you also access the data on Humans and find out what they do when two of them mate? If there is any additional touch you can add to make our first evening in our home special, then I would appreciate it.

Dresolor:Leave this with me sicortar. I will look into it.

Me:I thank you, Dresolor.

Satisfied that all preparations are underway, I go wake Melinda. Unfortunately, I will not be able to stay with her while she visits the school where my son works, but I am confident he will look after her well.

As we walk out of the body art shop and into the arcade, I sense the looks we are given. I am unmistakably the sicortar, known to everyone on this planet, so people are curious to see me walk hand in hand with a Human dressed in our ways and with matching markings to mine. There can be no doubt for anyone that sees us that I have claimed her as mine and that she is soon to become my mate. It also follows that I shall soon be stepping down in my role as sicortar in order to mate. The whispers follow us, and I know it will not be long before the rumors swirl around town and make it into the public news broadcasts. There will be no need for a formal announcement of my intentions, though I plan to ask Sholinar to draft one on my behalf anyway.

We climb into my drone and I program the aircraft to take us to Kiristen’s school.

“The cat’s well out of the bag now,” murmurs Melinda.

“What is that, my lovely?”

“It’s a human expression for saying that a secret is out.”

“Ah yes. I was just thinking the very same thing. By evening, nearly everyone on this planet will know that I am shortly to mate you. That is how fast the rumors can travel.”
