Page 120 of Melinda's Choice

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And I do. With a screech that can probably be heard all through the shop, I come, clenching my walls around his tail that continues to nail me mercilessly. When finally I quieten, he pulls his tail out of me with a wet squidgy sound and brings it up to my lips. “Clean me up and taste yourself,” he rasps.

Without thought, I part my lips and allow the dripping tail to plunge into my mouth. I taste my sharp, slightly salty pussy juices as I suck it clean, running my tongue along the strong, flexible cord and the downy tip. When finally he judges it clean, he pulls it out again.

“Good girl,” he purrs. Ridiculous as it may sound, I glow at the praise. He bends down to inspect my pussy. “This will not do,” he says, looking up at me. “I cannot put the loin cloth back on a cunt that is so wet. I will have to lick it clean.”

With that final statement, he settles on the edge of the couch and applies himself to the task of getting me cleaned up with his tongue. My core is still throbbing from that earlier mind blowing climax and his touch is like a candle to a flame, firing me up all over again. I squirm feverishly under him until he brings two large hands to hold me down. “Be still!” he adjures. Then he returns to his task, flattening his tongue and running it all the way up my pussy in long, slow, agonizing strokes.

“Kirimor!” I plead.

In answer, his cleaned tail comes up to stroke along my cheek before sneaking into the gap behind my neck and wrapping itself snugly around me. As he continues to lick my throbbing pussy, his tail tightens around my throat, not to restrict my airflow, but as a statement of his dominant possession. I can practically hear him urging me to lie still and be his good girl. I close my eyes and give myself over to him. In the far reaches of my mind, I realize this is what was missing in my relationship with Wyatt. Sometimes, not always, I wanted a strong dominant man to hold me down and make me feel like it was safe to let go.

Feeling like I’m floating on a cloud, barely aware of my surroundings anymore, I let go. My second orgasm, when it comes, is a deep and never ending clenching of my internal walls. When it’s over, I’m light headed and unable to move an inch. I feel Kirimor give me one last lick, then he’s gently re-attaching the loin cloth.

A few moments later, there’s a quiet knock on the door. At Kirimor’s invitation, Dorinor enters. I’m too far gone for mortification, lying supine with my eyes closed.

“If I might ask you to turn and lie face down,” says Dorinor.

Kirimor’s gentle hands help to roll me over to my side and then to my front, where I place my face in a convenient breathing hole.

“Good girl,” Kirimor says quietly.

I zone out as Dorinor begins his work on my back. The sensation of the brush painting delicate strokes on my skin is soothing and relaxing. I’m barely conscious of drifting off to sleep, until Kirimor gently nudges my shoulder. “Melinda, my love, it is time to get up. We are all done.”

Slowly, I lift myself up with my arms and turn around to sit up. My eyes fix on Kirimor’s chest, newly painted with my name in Krovatian script all around his nipples. He smiles. “You have marked me, my lovely. I am yours now and for all the rest of my days.”

I look down wryly at my own marked chest. “And it seems I’m yours too.”

He growls, “That you are.”

He helps me stand and put my sandals back on. “Come now, my love, or you shall be late for your visit to Kiristen’s school. I will take you there, but unfortunately I cannot stay as there are many urgent matters that require my attention. Kiristen will ensure that you are escorted safely back home so you can begin to pack your belongings. I will be along after sunset to help you transport everything to our new home.”

I look at him dazedly. “So, it’s really all happening tonight.”

He kisses me tenderly. “Yes, my lovely, it is. Now that everything is settled, there is no point in waiting even one more night before we can live together as mates.”

I decide there and then to go with the flow. Tonight, more than anything, I want to be in his arms, and truth be told, I never want to be alone again. This life together he’s offering. I want it, and I’m grabbing it with open arms.

Chapter 36


My Melinda falls asleep as Dorinor paints the design on her back. No doubt it is to do with our earlier exertions. I sensed the moment she let herself go and submitted entirely to me. It was a beautiful thing—my strong, independent, fearless female handing over the reins and trusting me, not just with her pleasure but with her life.

My tail strokes the contours of her buttocks and over the soft skin of her thighs while Dorinor concentrates on his task. In a low voice, he states, “She is sleeping.”


“On your last visit, sicortar, you asked me to tell you if I came across anyone else talking about living a more luxurious lifestyle and criticizing our eco-conscious ethos.”

My ears prick up. “Yes, have you done so?”

“Last night, I was out partying with some friends. At the end of the evening, I felt a need for a sexual companion, so I located the companionship room at the venue we were in and went in. I sat drinking a glass of Lom, letting its effects make me mellow, and looked around at the males and females there. One person caught my eye—a nice strapping young male with beautiful artwork across his body. I approached him to take a closer look at that art, for I am always curious about competitors to my craft, and we got talking. I asked him where he got that lovely inking and he told me about a body art shop that has recently opened in the hilly quarter of the city.”

I wish he would get to the point of his story, but there is no rushing Dorinor. He turns to dip his brush once more in the paint pot, then returns to his task.

“We continued our conversation, and my attraction for this male increased. However, the room we were in was very hot and stuffy. As I saw a trickle of sweat make its way down his fabulous body, I made a remark about the heat and how wonderful it would be if we could one day put pay to our strict eco ways so we could find companionship in more comfort. He laughed at that, dabbing at the sweat with a cold cloth and agreed wholeheartedly. Then he said something curious.”

“What was it he said?”
