Page 124 of Melinda's Choice

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“So this means that someone employed then, could have since that time been brainwashed or convinced to join the group of plotters.”

“Yes, it is possible. Let me contact Denishar now and request the names of all personnel at the control center.” I quickly tap out a message to the sector leader then glance across at Melistor. “This means we have quite a lot of scanning ahead of us. We will pause now for our lunch repast, after which we will begin. Can you ensure your drashas are on hand in case we need to cleanse someone’s energy?”

“Of course.”

“Then let us go back to the main house for our meal.”

We stand and walk side by side the short distance back to the house. On entering the atrium again, I see Melistor glance about him admiringly. “The aesthetics of your house are magnificent, Kirimor. Did you design it yourself?”

I smile proudly. “I did, yes, with the assistance of Sholinar.”

“The vaulted ceiling gives a great feeling of space and the simplicity of the décor brings upon one a sense of calm and wellbeing.”

“Yes, that was the intention. I am glad we have been successful in achieving that effect.”

“I am honored to be your guest here, Kirimor.”

“The honor is mine, Melistor.”

I guide him to the dining area, where we find my extended family gathered and waiting for us, together with Melistor’s drashas and children. I catch Kiristen’s eye. “Did all go well with Melinda?” I ask.

He grins. “She charmed everyone at the school. And yes, before you ask, I escorted her safely back home where she is busy packing.”

“Good. Thank you Kiristen.”

We all sit down around the large circular table. I reach out for the moist cloths and begin the usual task of cleansing Merostena’s hands as she sits beside me. As I hold her soft fingers in the palm of my hands, I am struck by the thought that this will probably be the last time I perform this task on her. As I place them gently back down on her lap, I glance up at her face and see that she too is aware of this. Her bright eyes glisten with unshed tears. We do not say anything, but I take her hand in mine again and place a kiss on the palm before returning it again to her lap.

I look at my family sitting all around me. They are a little subdued after this morning’s announcement and some are shy in the presence of our guests. Kirimara, my eldest daughter, breaks the uncomfortable silence, asking Melistor’s drashas about their journey here, and soon, there is cheerful chatter all around me. I sit observing them, aware of a pang of sadness that this may be the last time I enjoy a meal with all of them. There again, I am also excited at the prospect of starting my new life with Melinda, and promise myself that we will host meals with my children as often as possible. Change can be uncomfortable and dislocating, but it is part of life. Nothing stays still.

At the end of the meal, I stop by the kitchen to thank Dresolor for the excellent food, and to ask him something else. “Dresolor, did you find out any data about how Humans mark the beginning of a new life between mates?”

He pauses in his task and says, “Yes sicortar, there are a few things I have learned. For example, when a newly mated couple first enter their new home, the male lifts the female in his arms as they cross the threshold of the door. It is supposed to ward off evil spirits.”

“Ah, that is good to know. Anything else?”

“It is also customary for flower petals to be scattered over the bed. I have taken the liberty of collecting petals from our gardens and placing them in this container. Do you wish me to scatter them on the bed?”

I look at the container, filled with pink, red, yellow and purple petals. They do look very bright and colorful, and having them on the bed will infuse it with their fragrant aroma too. “Yes, I think that would be a good idea. Anything else?”

“Humans like to light candles to achieve a romantic effect in a room.”

“Do we have any candles?”

“I have taken the liberty of procuring them. They are already scattered around the bedroom. All you will need to do is light them, but do make sure they are properly extinguished before you go to bed, to avoid the risk of fire.”

“That is not a problem. And perhaps you could place the bottle of Lom there with some glasses, so we can partake.”

“Of course, I will make sure of it.”

“Thank you Dresolor. I want to make our first evening living in our new home as special as possible.”

“I understand, sicortar. I have made themishuand will bring it over to the cabin at sunset, together with a selection of other foods for your meal.”

“Perfect. Thank you. Go in peace, Dresolor.”

“Go in peace, sicortar.”

Then I rejoin Melistor in the dining room and together, we walk back to the temple to begin our work.
