Page 125 of Melinda's Choice

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Chapter 37


It doesn’t take long to pack my belongings. Apart from my clothes—which now that I’m going to be dressing like a Krovatian, will mostly hang unused in my wardrobe—I haven’t brought that much with me from Earth. A couple of nick-nacks, my precious supplies of coffee, some favorite toiletries. Everything else of note is stored by Athena on my communicator.

There’s a knock on my door, just as I’m finishing up.

“Come in,” I call out.

The handle turns and Treylor walks in. She takes one look at me in my Krovatian get up and laughs out loud. “Oh Melinda, you are looking marvellous! Well done!”

“Thanks. This was mainly Kirimor’s idea. He says in Krovatia, mates decorate their bodies with the same design to show they belong to each other.”

“So the rumors are true. You are to mate with Kirimor?”

I beam at her, too happy to contain it. “Yes, just as soon as he can step down as sicortar.”

“And what of Wyatt? You know he is coming here.”

My smile dims. “Yes. It’ll be a difficult conversation, but I’ve made my choice. I want to be with Kirimor.” Then I give her a sharp look. “How do you know about Wyatt?”

“Ah, he contacted Pravol for assistance in getting transport here and permission from the Krovatian authorities.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

She looks at me apologetically. “At the time, we did not know you had started a relationship with the sicortar. We thought we were helping two mates to re-unite. Wyatt wanted to wait until he was sure he could fly and that permission had been granted before letting you know. We respected his wishes, though we did urge him to tell you.”

I sigh. “He did, eventually. With the time lag, I only received his message yesterday.”

“I am sorry, Melinda. Perhaps I should have spoken earlier.”

“No, it’s alright. What’s done is done.”

“If I may suggest…”

“What is it Treylor?”

She comes to sit beside me on the bed. “I am thinking it may be kinder to Wyatt to let him know about your situation before he arrives on Krovatia.”

“I don’t know if that’s possible with all the communications lag. I don’t even know where he is right now.”

“He is on a Venorian cargo ship owned by my family and commanded by my cousin Rivlor. They have reached this quadrant and are only a few rotations away, so you should be able to speak with him directly on our upgraded communications system.”

“Directly? I wasn’t aware we had gotten that far.”

“It is a recent development, but we are now able to make calls to our home planet. I spoke with my brother, Prilor, just this morning.”

“You mean I can just call him and he’ll pick up?”

She smiles as she gets to her feet. “Indeed. I shall leave you alone while you do so. Go in peace, Melinda.”

“Go in peace,” I echo automatically, my mind focused on this latest news. I pick up my communicator, both excited and reluctant to put it to the test.He’s only a few days away from being here. He needs to know.“Athena, call Wyatt,” I instruct.

In moments, I hear a ring tone and then, miracle of miracles, there is a handshake at the other end and Wyatt appears on my screen. He grins excitedly. “Mel! How great to see you honey!”

“Oh God I can’t believe this! It’s good to see you too.”

He sits on the edge of his bed, in a room I don’t recognize, and starts tapping on his communicator. “Let me put you on projector mode, Mel. I want to feel like you’re in the room with me.”
