Page 131 of Melinda's Choice

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He holds me a minute longer, then murmurs. “Shall we remove ourselves from this sticky mess of petals and bathe before we go to sleep?”

“That would be an excellent idea.”

“Then come with me.”

He pulls me from the bed and walks me to the large bathroom, switching on the powerful shower that prickles my skin with its sharp, needle-like jets. He helps me wash, running a gentle hand along my sticky pussy to clean all the residue of our lovemaking. Once we’re done, he switches the water off and dries me briskly. We use the ablutenizer, an amazing contraption for cleaning teeth, one of the many pieces of technology that I’m hoping to bring to Earth one day. I place my lips around the round spout and press the button to start the process. Warm liquid enters my mouth, followed by a set of automated brushes guided by a sensor, which thoroughly cleanse my teeth. Then he’s leading me back to the bed, sweeping off the remains of the petals and lifting the covers for me.

We fit comfortably around each other and give ourselves to sleep.

Chapter 38


I left it too late. Too fucking late. I’ve goddamn lost the love of my life and it’s all my fault. I throw my communicator against the wall of the cabin, but the plastic is unbreakable. It bounces harmlessly and lands on the floor. I want to break something. Anything. Smash something to pieces the way my heart is shattering. The pain is unbearable. I’ve lost her.

I stand, looking around me wildly for something to break. Rivlor’s neat, uncluttered chamber doesn’t afford me much scope. “Agh!” I roar. Then my eyes land on a ceramic ornament tucked on the top of a shelf. I pick it up, readying to throw, but hesitate at the last minute.

“If you value your life you will put that down.”

I look across the room to see Rivlor, eyeing me coolly. Fuck!What the hell is wrong with me?

I put the ornament down quickly. “Sorry. That was stupid.” I bend to pick up my communicator from the floor, then head to the door. “I’m sorry. I’ll just go.”

I make to leave the cabin, but she stops me with a sharp command. “Sit yourself down, Wyatt.”

“Rivlor, I really am sorry. That was out of order.” My voice becomes a croak. “I need to go.”

“I said sit down!” I have never before heard Rivlor raise her voice. Without thinking, I do as she commands, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at the floor. I feel her come to sit beside me and her hand on my forehead as she reads my mind. Eventually, the hand falls away, and she sighs. “I am sorry Wyatt. That is not the news you wished to hear.”

Understatement. “No, it isn’t.”

“I too have had my heart broken, shattered into many pieces, so believe me when I tell you it will be fine. Time will heal.”

“I can’t imagine anyone crazy enough to break your heart, Rivlor.”

“Ah, but he did. It was many sun rotations ago. I am over it now, though perhaps he is the reason why since then, I have gravitated towards females more than males.”

I sniff. “We males of the species don’t always acquit ourselves well, do we?”

“No, but females are no better. We are all imperfect beings.”


We don’t speak for several moments. Finally, she says, “Sometimes, it helps to talk about it. I want you to tell me about Melinda, from the very beginning of your story together. Come lie on the bed and place your hand in mine. I will build a neural connection with you so you can speak to me through your mind.”

Already feeling much calmer, I crawl up the bed and lie down. She comes to lie beside me, then takes my hand, placing it on her naked mid-riff and covering it with hers. “Give me a few moments to connect to your thoughts.”

I remain silent, breathing in her fresh, lemony fragrance. Is that her body wash?

She laughs quietly beside me. “It is my body wash. I am glad you like it. So, let us go back in time. Tell me in your head about your first meeting with Melinda.”

I had just turned twenty-one. I was at a bar with some friends to celebrate. It was a popular place, not far from the university I was studying at. My friends and I, as foolish young brats do, decided to order some shots.

“Shots? What is that?”

It’s small glasses of hard liquor which you swallow down in one quick gulp.

“Ah, I see. Continue.”
