Page 132 of Melinda's Choice

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The shots were brought over to our table, and my friends were egging me on to take my first one. I have to tell you Rivlor, that I wasn’t much of a drinker then. Nor am I now for that matter. Anyway, there they were, saying things like “Go on Wyatt, take that shot.” I was gearing myself to do it when I felt this presence beside me. I looked up from the shot glass to see this tall brunette with beautiful brown eyes smiling at me in amusement. “Cute baby face, sure you’re old enough?”

“Ah, she thought you were cute too.”

At least she didn’t call me “somewhat cute”.

Rivlor laughs. “I wanted to wind you up, and it worked.”

Noted. Back to my story. I think I gave her an affronted look and said, “I’m twenty-one today.” She just grinned back and said, “Well birthday boy, show us what you’re made of.” I knew in that moment, no matter how hard it was, that I was going to down all those shot glasses without hesitation. So, I did. Not taking my eyes off hers, I downed the first one, then the second and third. By the fourth, I was beginning to feel queasy, but I knew I couldn’t back down. With an effort I downed the fourth and felt it burn down my throat. One more, I kept thinking. One more to impress the beautiful girl. So, I picked it up and swallowed it down.

“What then?”

I don’t remember. I think I must have passed out. I woke the next morning in my room feeling wretchedly sick. Eventually, after I’d taken some pills and swallowed down a whole lot of water, I picked up my cell phone. That’s what we had before they became known as communicators. On the screen, there was a typed message. It said, “I’m impressed. Well done Birthday Boy.” She’d signed it with her name and left her number.

“I take it you called her.”

I did. Asked her out on a date, but she said no, I was too young for her. She only dated older guys. But I was persistent. Wore her down until she eventually agreed to meet me for a coffee…

I spend the next few hours recounting my history with Mel. It feels therapeutic, going back in time and experiencing all over again the wonderful moments we had together. Then I get to the rocky parts, and that too feels good to talk about. I tell Rivlor about the near nervous breakdown I had working at my stressful job and how I felt I had to get away from it all to regain my sanity. I remember bits and pieces of conversations I had thought forgotten. Melinda’s disappointment at my decision. Her attempts to make me change my mind, my hurt that she didn’t realize how much I needed to get away from that toxic workplace. I think back to that year where I retrained as a chiropractor and how she threw herself even more into her work, how we barely saw each other. Something changed between us that year. In retrospect, that was the beginning of the end.

I finish my story, drained but also strangely calm. I lie there, eyes closed, my hand still tucked under Rivlor’s, feeling the warmth of her taut abdomen beneath it. I drift off.

I come to sometime later. My hand is still right there, tucked under Rivlor’s. With her other hand, she holds her communicator, scrolling down with her thumb. I can’t make out the text, but I can tell she’s reading something.

What are you reading?

I realize I’ve just spoken to her in my head. I open my mouth to verbalize my question, but she’s already responding.

“It is a novel by one of my favorite Venorian authors.”

What kind of novel?

“It is a kind of adventure set in a made-up foreign world.”

On Earth we call this type of story sci-fi, sci-fi being short for science fiction.

“That is a good name for it. Yes, this is a sci-fi novel. I have always enjoyed this kind of story since when I was young. I think that is why I decided to make a career flying in space.”

Sci-fi is my favorite type of book too. I’ve always dreamed of travelling in space, but I was too much of a scaredy-cat to do it. When Mel announced she was going to Mars, I was so envious. It’s not something I’m proud of.

“Envy is a poisonous emotion to have.”

I know. But I’m also proud of everything she’s done. She’s a strong kick ass woman, my Melinda. I love that about her.

“Yes, I can see that. You are attracted to strong females. One of the reasons you like me.”

One of the reasons? Why else?

She chuckles. “You like that I am gorgeous and smell good to you. You like that I find you cute. You like that I see and appreciate you.”

Yes to all those reasons. Rivlor,I like speaking to you in my head.

“It is a great Venorian attribute, is it not? A shame you cannot read my mind too.”

If I could read your mind, what would it be saying?

“It would be saying, time to get up and get something to eat.”

I sit up slowly, stretching my arms overhead. “I have taken up a lot of your time. Thanks again, Rivlor. It’s helped a lot.”
