Page 133 of Melinda's Choice

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“I am glad you feel calmer. No more throwing things about, eh? That would make me most displeased.”

I laugh shortly. “No, I won’t do that again, I promise.”

“Good. Let us go now and get some food. Listening to your story has made me very hungry.”

I smile. “Let’s go.”

Chapter 39


Melinda has been mine for three rotations and everything in my life is bright and happy. Our home in the cabin is filled with love, laughter and passion. Last evening, we hosted my children for a family meal. Kiritela spent the whole time in Melinda’s lap, wanting her attention. My children love her already. They have adjusted well to my move to the cabin. Being so close, and seeing me so regularly, I think they have been reassured that this temporary change in accommodation will not mean a distancing from me. I am still very much a part of their lives.

Melistor’s apprenticeship is going so smoothly that we have agreed to shorten his training period. Next rotation, I will be officially stepping down as sicortar. Melistor will be invested in his new position on the same day, and I will be free to mate my Melinda. It will be a rubber stamping exercise, as we are already living as mates. And soon after, I will plant my seed in her, and we shall bring a new life into this world.

Everything is bright and happy, except for one thing. We have still not unmasked the plotters or discovered what it is exactly they are plotting. We have scanned and re-scanned all the employees of the command center, but have found nothing amiss. Now, we have returned our attention to scanning the known contacts of our group of suspects. We have made a start on the long list of people that Leristor, the body artist in the hilly quarter, has associated with.

However, this morning we are taking a break from such work in order to process the newly arrived visitors from Earth, including Melinda’s former mate. They have been escorted down from their ship by our security personnel and brought down to the cavernous space underground where we await them. Altogether, there are thirty-five Humans. Melistor and I sit beside the incense burner, his drashas behind us. We watch as the Humans troop inside, looking a little apprehensive.

I put on my stern, forbidding sicortar face. Melistor, an apt student, wears a similar expression. The security guards instruct the Humans to sit in absolute silence while we scan them. I search their faces for him. I recognize him almost immediately—the blond locks of hair, the bright blue eyes. His gaze is upon me, focused and intent. He knows who I am, of that I am sure.

I stare back at him unwaveringly. This male is not my rival, for Melinda is undoubtedly mine. Nevertheless, I feel the need to impart a sense of power and superiority. My gaze is telling him clearly not to mess with me or mine. He blinks and looks away.

Melistor opens the box of boral crystals and selects the one to place on the burner. Although I am still officially sicortar for one more rotation, I let him take the lead in the proceedings. It is he who intones the prayer to Taya. Then the both of us enter into our trance. I sense Melistor methodically scanning each Human, starting from the left and moving along one by one. However, my attention immediately goes to Him. I am keen to know what manner of man was once my Melinda’s mate.

I scan him thoroughly. I see bright shades of yellow and orange—a gentle and warm personality with no hint of negativity. I should not be surprised. Melinda would not have stayed mated so long to someone who was not good. I also see little streaks of pale green, uncannily similar to Melinda’s when I first scanned her. I summon the green streaks into me for a closer read. He is feeling anxiety at being in an alien land and having to put on a program of shows. There is also grief and sadness over the loss of Melinda. The man loves and mourns her. I can understand that. If I were foolish enough to lose her, I too would be beside myself with grief.

With a sigh of relief, I come out of my trance. I need not have worried about this male. In fact, it would behove me to extend the hand of friendship to him—that would please Melinda. I wait until Melistor completes his scans and the Humans are dismissed, cleared for entry to our world. Before they can all leave the room, I stride over to Wyatt and call his name. He pauses and turns to face me, a little nervous. I come to stand before him and say in my most gracious voice, “Welcome Wyatt. I have heard much about you.”

“You must be Kirimor,” he mumbles.

“Indeed. May I greet you the Krovatian way?”

“Yes, of course.”

I place a hand to his chest and look into his eyes. After a moment’s hesitation, he does the same to me. Then I step back and bow. He bows back.

“May I have the privilege of escorting you to your lodgings? Melinda is at work there, and I am sure she is most eager to see you again.”

He looks surprised but responds, “I’m eager to see her too. Thank you for the offer of a ride, if that’s not too much trouble for you?”

“It is my pleasure Wyatt. Come.”

He follows, walking quietly beside me. We get into the elevator shaft, sharing it with a half dozen of the other Humans and two security guards. They sneak curious glances at me, but do not speak. Wyatt simply says to one of them, “I’ll be hitching a ride with Kirimor to the house we’re staying in. I’ll see you all there. Could you ensure our equipment and bags follow us?”

“Sure, no problem.”


Then all is quiet again. We reach the surface, walking out into the barren desert landscape where the processing center is situated. My drone is parked a few paces away. I lead Wyatt towards it and remember something Melinda told me about him. “Are you still fearful of flying in a drone, Wyatt?”

He flushes an interesting shade of red. “You know about that?”

“Melinda tells me all.”

“Oh right.” Then he adds, “I’m a lot better than I used to be about flying, though I still don’t enjoy it much. It’s ok. I’ll be fine.”

“You will be fine, Wyatt. There is nothing to fear. My drone is perfectly safe.”
