Page 135 of Melinda's Choice

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“She is mine now,” I say gently. “You do understand that?”

He looks up from his bag, his blue eyes steely. “That is up to her to decide.”

“And she has made her choice, Wyatt.”

He does not back down. “I know, but let me tell you this, Kirimor. If you hurt her in any way, you will answer to me. I may look weak to you, but I’m stronger than you think, especially when it comes to Mel. You better treat her right. You do understand that?”

I laugh delightedly. “Have no fear, Wyatt. She is in good hands with me. I will love and cherish her to the end of my days.”

“We shall see.”

“Maybe you should think about finding yourself a new partner. What think you of this Rivlor?”

He scowls. “I will not discuss her with you.”

“I think you like her.”

He stares at me.

I continue undaunted. “She calls you cute.”

I see the tell-tale flush spread over his face. Oh yes, he likes her. All the better. Hopefully, he will not keep hankering after my Melinda.

He smirks, “Perhaps it’s because I am cute and charming. You should see the amount of fan mail I’ve received from Krovatian students who saw me in the video Mel played in her university lecture.”

“Well, if we are talking of fan mail, you must know that as sicortar, I attract my fair share of attention. I let my aide, Sholinar, deal with it, but the list of adoring fans is long.”

Wyatt eyes me in amusement. “Are we really comparing size? Next you’ll be telling me your cock is bigger than mine.”

I eye his groin then mine pointedly. “As to that, there is no need as it is patently obvious that I exceed you significantly in that department.”

He laughs. “You really are going there! Dude, there’s more to a guy than the size of his dick.”

“I agree, size is not everything, but in the end, it comes down to this. Melinda has chosen the powerful male with the big dick over the cute and charming one.” And with a flourish, I land the drone at our destination.

Chapter 40


I crumple the paper bag in my hand. Quite evidently, distracting conversation is a far more powerful antidote to my fear of flying than anything else. Volleying words with Kirimor has totally taken my mind off the fact we’ve been flying in this small, rickety looking drone. I can’t believe the dude compared the size of our dicks. Maybe he’s not quite so sure of Melinda as he pretends.

All of a sudden, I can’t wait to be out of the drone and in her presence again. I need to see her, look her in the eye and hear her tell me the truth to my face. Kirimor opens the drone door and I jump down. We’re parked in front of a set of identical houses, rendered in white with huge solar panels for their roofs. The door to one of them opens and there she is.

“Mel!” I rush forwards, lifting her off her feet in my excitement.

She laughs happily, wrapping her arms around me and holding me tight.

“I’ve missed you, honey,” I say, kissing the top of her head.”

“I’ve missed you too. I can’t believe you’re finally here!”

I put her down and smile proudly. “I made it Mel. I conquered my fear!”

She places two hands on my cheeks. “I’m so proud of you. You’re doing amazing things.”

Then I’m hugging her again, wanting to feel her body against mine. She’s not wearing much in the way of clothes, just a bikini bottom that looks a bit like a loin cloth. Her soft breasts press against me and I feel my cock twitch in response.

Before I have time to process this uncomfortable turn of events, a long powerful tail wraps itself around Mel, pulling her away from me. She grins and turns to Kirimor, putting her arms around him. I see her whisper something into his ear and he growls in response. Mel arches her neck to give him a long, open-mouthed kiss as he tightens his tail around her.
