Page 136 of Melinda's Choice

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I watch, equal parts jealous and turned on. When they finally end the kiss, Mel’s lips are swollen and glistening, like a ripe juicy berry. I’m seized by an urge to devour those sweet lips, but of course, that’s off the table now that she’s his.Damn, this is going to take some getting used to.

Melinda shines a loving smile over him. “Now could you please let me go so I can take Wyatt through and introduce him to everyone else? Then I need some alone time to catch up with him as promised.”

Reluctantly, he withdraws his arms and tail, but stays close. “I do not like to leave you, my lovely.”

She strokes his cheek tenderly. “I know, but there is important work to be done.”

He sighs in agreement. “I will return to take you home at sunset. What plans have you for this day?”

“I cleared my schedule this morning so I could spend time with Wyatt. In the afternoon, I have a remote meeting set up with Lorifena. She’s the last sector leader I need to convince about agreeing to a pharmaceutical trade mission from Earth.”

“Very well, my love. Remember what we said.”

“I remember. Don’t worry.” He kisses her one last time, then turns to me. “Go in peace, Wyatt,” he mutters. Then he’s striding away and climbing back into his drone.

We watch him leave together. “Come on, let’s go inside to the kitchen and make you some coffee. Then we can sit down and talk.” Mel threads her arm through mine and walks me inside.

We step across an atrium-like room which opens up into a small, enclosed yard with a rectangular shaped pool. Beyond that to the left, is a door which leads to a large eat-in kitchen. Sitting at the table, sipping his coffee and reading from his communicator, is a tall bare chested guy with markings all over his body similar to what I’ve seen on other Krovatians. He smiles on seeing us and stands. “Hi there, you must be Wyatt. I’m Troy.”

I shake hands with him, though it feels odd and inadequate as a greeting out here, with him dressed in just a loin cloth. “Nice meeting you Troy. How are you doing?”

“I’m good. Looking forward to seeing Ricky Charles perform. I’m a huge fan.”

I grin. “Who isn’t? He should be settling in next door, so I’m sure you’ll get to meet him soon.”

“I’d go over there now and say hello, but I’ve got to head out. I’m just waiting for Desimar to arrive—he’s our Krovatian escort, their version of a spy and bodyguard all in one.”

“Oh right. Going anywhere interesting?”

“Yes actually. It took me a while to wrangle the invite, but the Krovatian authorities have finally given me the green light to go visit their planet’s control center. I’m curious to see the technology they use to maintain the protective shield around their planet. It’s something we’re going to need to set up on Earth at some point in the near future.”

“Oh wow, that does sound very interesting. I wish I could go along with you. I’ve always been fascinated by that type of technology.”

“I’m sure they won’t mind one more human in the group. Wanna come?”

I hesitate, torn. “I was hoping to catch up with Mel. Plus, there’s lots I should be doing to prepare for our shows.”

“You sure? We’ll only be gone two hours at most. The authorities have made it clear that we’re not going to be lingering there too long, just have a tour, ask a few questions, then we’re out.”

“Oh well. You don’t mind, Mel?”

She shrugs. “No problem, I’ll come with you.” She turns to Troy. “Where’s Avery? I thought she was supposed to accompany you on this visit.”

Troy makes a face. “She’s pleaded some last minute indisposition and is lying in bed.”

“Ok. Well in that case, give me two minutes to change into human clothes, and I’ll come with.”

“You don’t go out in that getup?” I ask, pointing to her loin cloth.

“I do, but for official business, I prefer to be in human garb.”

“Makes sense,” I concur.

She smiles. “Come keep me company while I get changed.”


With a nod at Troy, I follow Mel to her room, which is a few doors down the same corridor. Inside, she goes quickly to her closet and pulls out a floral patterned sun dress with thin straps. From a drawer, she digs out a bra and panties.
