Page 141 of Melinda's Choice

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I grunt in reply and end the call. Jumping out of bed, I stride purposefully into the bathroom and wash. In the mirror, I notice the gash on my forehead that has been bandaged. I touch it, remembering. That is the awful thing about it all. I was not fully in control of my actions, but I remember every damnable thing that happened—including fucking Pirofena. Not just that. I also remember something else, something that intensified my beastly urge to fuck. I scented her, and she was ripe for breeding.

I finish washing and put on a fresh loin cloth, then with a heavy sigh, I pick up my communicator again. Pirofena answers on the second ring. “How are you doing? Are you hurting?”

“Only a little, sicortar. I shall be fine, thank you for asking.”

“Pirofena, I know. Has it taken?”

She is silent for a moment or two, then in a low voice, responds, “Yes.”

“You are certain?”

“Yes, I have scanned my body for a new life. We are to have a child.”

The words are like a hammer to my doom. Eventually, I shall welcome and love this child, but for now, I am angry and hurt.

“Why?” I cry.

“Please do not be angry with me. It was Sholinar. He called, demanding a drasha come to the temple right away. Sicortar, you were in such pain and agony. We had to help you.”

“I am no longer sicortar,” I grind out.

“No, perhaps not, but to me you always will be.”

“Could not another drasha have done the job? It must have been obvious to everyone that you were in your breeding time.”

“Merostena insisted it had to be me. She said someone young and strong was needed to withstand the violence of your needs.”

Merostena. It is all beginning to make sense. She saw an opportunity to drive a wedge between me and Melinda, and she took it.

I try to hold back the angry words. I know it is not Pirofena’s fault, nor Sholinar’s. They only did what they thought was right. Had they not stepped in, I do not know what would have happened to me. Perhaps they did the right thing, saving me from self-destruction. Yet their actions have had devastating consequences. My Melinda. How do I tell her about this child? How can I do so without causing her unbearable pain?

“Take care of yourself Pirofena. We will talk again some other time.”

“Go in peace, Kirimor.”

“Go in peace.”

I end the call and put my head in my hands. There is a knock at the door. “Enter!” I shout.

Dresolor steps inside, carrying a steaming tray of food. “This is for you, sicortar.”

“Call me Kirimor. I am no longer sicortar.”

He smiles. “It will take time to adjust. I still think of you as sicortar.”

“Thank you for the food, Dresolor.”

“It is my honor.”

He places the tray on the table and leaves. I go to it and force myself to eat enough to sustain me for the day. I am sure it is delicious, but all I can taste now is misery. My meal over, I put the tray away, then go out to my drone, programming it for the journey to the house where Melinda used to live. With a heavy heart, I watch through the window as the drone rises up into the air and flies toward her. I know, coming up, is the most difficult conversation I will ever have. I send a prayer to Taya to help me.Please, let Melinda forgive me. Please, please, let her come back to me. I do not hold out much hope though. I know my Melinda.

Chapter 43


Desimar looks up in surprise as Wyatt and I climb into his waiting drone after Troy. “Melinda. I did not expect you to join us on this excursion.” His eyes turn to Wyatt. “And this is?”

“Desimar, please meet Wyatt, my ex-mate.”
