Page 140 of Melinda's Choice

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We send our focus to the command center in the hilly quarter and both locate Desimar at the same time. I feel Melistor’s gasp beside me as he reads the evil in him. A moment later, he sends me reassuring words. “I am with you, Kirimor. Do what you must.”

And so I begin. With supreme focus, I aspirate the malevolent energy towards me. I feel it entering my body, contaminating me with its foul maliciousness. I breathe deeply, allowing it all to become part of me. I am full to overflowing with evil energy, and still more keeps coming my way.

“I will catch whatever more there is,” murmurs Melistor. “Deal with what you have captured inside you, then I will neutralize the rest.”

Relieved, for I do not believe I can take in more of this wickedness, I concentrate on clamping down hard on it so it does not escape me. It sits there, in my gut, in my chest, in every part of my body—toxic evil, coursing through me. Then, with all the power I can summon, I begin breaking it down, bit by bit. It is almost like an old fashioned sword fight, a battle with the evil followed by a spear into its heart to bring it down. It is an endless, abhorrent task. The only thing that keeps me from sinking into despair is the knowledge that I must do this to save Melinda. The thought of her keeps me going through this grueling, arduous labor.

Finally, it is done. There is no more evil energy inside me. I give out a low, ragged breath and slowly come out of my trance. It is done now and I must trust that Melinda is saved. As I re-enter reality, I feel the post-trance madness begin to take a hold of me. My cock is rock hard and desperate for release. I howl in pain and frustration. No! I must not.

“Aghh!” I stand and whip off my loin cloth in one violent move. Then I put my hand to my cock, trying to jerk off the deep-seated need. Oh Goddess. I need. So much. My hands clench around my length, trying to appease the need, but it is not enough. I howl again. Around me, I hear worried voices and I know they are discussing me, but I cannot focus on the words they are saying. I groan in pain. I need.

Behind me, someone is grunting. I whirl around in fury. It is Melistor, pounding into his drasha. I cry again in pain as I see him fuck. I need it too. Of Goddess how I need! My hands pull at my cock violently, trying to settle the ache. All it does is make me ache more.

I need to fuck and purge this evil out of me. I need a moist cunt to sink myself into and rut. A soft breast to bite. But I must not. Melinda.

“Aghh!” My rage knows no bounds. I pound my fists on the wall, screaming my fury. Then it is my head I am banging. Maybe this pain will erase the other pain and quench that need. I bring my head to the wall again. There is a red stain there—my blood. I am about to launch myself at the wall again when strong arms restrain me.

“Kirimor! Stop!”

I howl in response and try to fight him off. It is Sholinar, I know. My friend and aide, but right now my enemy, stopping me from what I need to do.

“Leave me alone!” I scream.

“Kirimor, you need to fuck. Nothing else will ease your pain.”

I cry out again in rage and frustration. Sholinar ignores my screams and with a strength I did not know he possessed, brings me down to my knees on the floor, holding me in a tight lock with his arms across my chest. Over my head, I hear him instruct someone. “Quickly, mount him.”

“No!” I scream, but Sholinar’s grip on me is like iron.

Then a soft cunt is sheathing my cock. Pirofena. It feels so wrong and yet so good. I grunt again. Sholinar murmurs into my ear. “We are here to help you, Kirimor. Let Pirofena take the edge off your pain.”

Without my volition, my hips rise as I thrust up into that glorious cunt. Its moist walls close around me and I lose all control. Suddenly, the hands around me are gone and I am lying on top of Pirofena, fucking her with abandon. I close my eyes, picturing Melinda. It is her I am fucking. No one else. “Melinda,” I chant to myself as I pound into that welcoming cunt. I clutch a soft breast in my hand and put my teeth to it. I am beside myself, pummelling my cock into that tight channel and biting into inviting flesh, marking her breasts and her neck, guided by my beastly urge. With a loud groan, I reach a powerful climax, spurting jet after jet of my seed. When I am done, I collapse on top of her, unable to move.

I come back to consciousness and find myself in my own bed up in the cabin, all alone. Memory returns and with it, all that I have done. A pain so strong crushes my chest.Melinda. I scrabble around for my communicator. I call her, but she does not respond. What does it mean? Is she hurt? Dead? In desperation, I call Sholinar. He picks up immediately.

“Melinda!” I cry.

He understands my question. “She is fine, Kirimor. None of the Humans at the command center were hurt, and your prompt action stopped Desimar from bringing down the force field and destroying the building. You saved the day, Kirimor!”

“But Melinda,” I repeat.

“I do not know how to say this to you, Kirimor.”

“Out with it!”

“She arrived at the house and ran to the temple to find you. I think she knew you would be in need and she wanted to be the one to help you. When she got there, she saw you rutting with Pirofena. She watched you, evidently upset, then she turned and ran back out again. Another Human was with her. He escorted her to their house.”

I groan again. “How long ago was this?”

“Kirimor, you have been asleep one whole rotation.”

“Agh!” I cry out in frustration. “I must get to her at once.”

“You need sustenance Kirimor. I shall send Dresolor up with some food. Then you may go find her. Also, Denishar would like to see you as soon as you are able to go.”

“I will go to him as soon as I have seen and spoken to Melinda.”

“Of course. Eat first.”
