Page 144 of Melinda's Choice

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“Holy shit!”

A swarm of Krovatian guards are suddenly all around us. “Please come out, hands on your head,” they bark at us. We’re escorted out of the operations room, a shaken Manolora leading our group, her tail waving about frantically. As we move along, I have another realization. If Kirimor did this, then the after effects of his trance will drive him into a sexual frenzy. I need to get to him as quickly as I can.

People swarm around me as the Krovatian security forces direct us out of the building.

I need to get to Kirimor.

As we emerge outside, I’m stunned by thick black smoke, and stumble on some rubble. Wyatt steadies me with a strong arm. Together, we move hastily away from the burning detritus outside the command center. A few yards down, we come upon a wall of drones and security forces. They usher us through towards medical personnel, who take us into temporary erected tents and check us over.

I turn to Wyatt. “I need to go. I have to get to Kirimor.”

“Right now?”

“It’s urgent Wyatt. He needs me.”

Something in my face convinces him of the urgency. “Ok, let me see what I can do.”

Wyatt goes out of the tent and I see him accost the nearest security guard. He has a short conversation with him, flashing his sweet smile and using his irresistible charm. A minute later, he’s back. “Ok, the guard has agreed to take us to the sicortar’s house.”

I glance at Troy. “Ok if I leave you?”

“I’ll come with you. I need to be with Kiristen.”

“Ok, let’s go.”

The guard is as good as his word, guiding us towards a parked drone a few feet away. We climb aboard quickly and strap in. Moments later, we’re up in the air. Wyatt holds my hands, and I’m not sure who’s doing the reassuring, him or me.

All through the journey, I keep a constant prayer, “Please God, don’t let it be too late.”

Troy uses his communicator to inform Kirimor’s staff that we’re on our way, and to let us through their security system. Then we’re landing outside the house, a stone’s throw from the temple. I wrench the drone door open, not waiting for the others, and run toward the temple building. I push inside and come to a sudden halt.

In front of me is a sight that will forever be etched into my memory—a bloodied Kirimor lying on top of that nubile young drasha. I stare in disbelief as he pounds her violently with his cock and bites her breasts. On and on he fucks her, viciously, violently. When finally he reaches his climax, he gives a thunderous roar, bucking into her wildly. Then he collapses, spent, a grimace on his semi-conscious face. I watch all this in stunned silence, immobile.

An arm comes around me. “Let’s get out of here,” mutters Wyatt.

I let him lead me out, barely able to put one foot in front of the other. Distantly, I hear him speak with Troy and the security guard, but I can’t make out the words. He bundles me into the drone, and we lift off.


The dream is vivid. Kirimor is running about like a raging bull, cock pointing to the sky, and crying out, “I need! I need!” I see him from a distance and try to make my way to him, but there are too many obstacles ahead of me.

I call out to him, “I’m here Kirimor. Take me!” But in the chaos of his madness, he doesn’t hear me. Instead, he rushes about heedlessly, smashing his fists on the furniture around him. In a fit of fury, he hammers his head to the wall, making the blood gush from his temple. In raw anguish, I hear him scream, “Melinda!”

I come awake with a start, heart pounding and sweat soaking my back. It takes me a moment to return to reality—the dream felt so real.Kirimor. His desperate cries still echo in my head.

Slowly, my heart resumes its normal beat as I lie in bed, remembering the events of that dreadful day. Beside me, Wyatt sleeps, snoring lightly. He’s shared my bed, platonically, for the last two nights. He’s held me and shown me love, helping me to lick my weeping wounds. Thank God he’s here. I don’t know how I would have coped otherwise.

From Kirimor, there’s been no word, not that I’m ready to speak to him just yet. Through Kiristen, I’ve learned that he’s been passed out in bed, recovering from the trauma of that holy trance and its aftermath. I don’t know what I’ll say to him when he eventually wakes and comes to see me, as I know he will. What do you say to the man you love, the man who saved your life, and the man who fucked another woman to do so?

A hand strokes down my arm. Wyatt drops a kiss on my shoulder. “I can hear your thoughts from here,” he drawls sleepily.

I turn and accept his embrace, fitting my body to his warm, familiar one. I inhale the scent of him, the hint of woodsy cologne and his own male essence that I know so well. It smells like home.

“Sorry,” I murmur. “I can’t stop thinking about him.”

“Perhaps it’s time you talked. Do you know if he’s woken yet?”

“Not sure. It should be today, I would think.”
