Page 147 of Melinda's Choice

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I storm out of the cabin and over to the waiting drone. When I get there, I realize I still need Kirimor’s help to fly back home. He follows after me, bellowing, “Melinda, you are making a foolish mistake. You belong to me!”

I gaze at him icily. “I belong to no one. Now please, have the courtesy to take me back.”

His tail whips around me furiously, lashing me to him. With powerful hands, he holds my face and captures my lips. I try to kick against him but he holds firm. His tongue probes my mouth, demanding entry, but I deny him. He simply redoubles his efforts, licking the seam of my lips over and over until I give way and part them. He plunges in, kissing me roughly, hungrily, like a starving man faced with a banquet. His familiar, masculine taste overwhelms me. Soon, I’m kissing him back just as desperately. It’s only been two days, but God how I’ve missed him!

His hands roam about my body, moulding me to him. In one swift move, he rips my panties away, baring my pussy to his ravaging fingers. He palms my mound, then plunges a searching digit inside me, testing my readiness for him. It emerges wet and dripping. Next moment, he’s lifting me and pressing me against the cool metal exterior of the drone. I wrap my legs around him instinctively as he presses into me, filling me as nobody else has ever done. With each thrust of his cock, he snarls, “You. Are. Mine.”

With mindless abandon, he fucks me against the drone. I welcome each thrust, gasping at the powerful intrusion. “You are mine, do you hear?” he cries again, then he’s fusing his mouth to mine, possessing me in every possible way. I’m swept away in a rip tide of passion and need. The pounding of his cock inside me ignites every nerve cell in my body. My pussy throbs as the blood flows straight to my core. His tongue strokes roughly against mine, sucking me into him while he thrusts deep into my body and my soul. My climax is a massive pulsing wave of pleasure, taking me unaware. I clench around him, pulse after powerful pulse, and then he too is going over the edge. With a loud roar, he plunges one last time and showers me with his cum.

He pins me to the drone as we slowly come back to our senses. With it returns the reality of my situation. This passionate joining changes nothing. He’s still having a baby with that pretty girl who’s at least twenty years younger than me. It’s a gnawing, aching pain that won’t leave me.

Finally, he lifts his head and stares at me with his dark eyes. “You belong to me Melinda and you know it.”

I sigh. “I’m not going to argue with you over this Kirimor. I love you and perhaps you’re right, the bond we have cannot be broken. But I’m too hurt to be with you and I’m leaving. Now.”

His nostrils flare, but all he says is, “Very well. Let us go.”

He pulls out of me, looking in satisfaction at the cum that streams down my leg. Keeping his tail around me, he lets me climb aboard the drone, then starts the engine. We’re silent again on the journey home. As we begin our descent, my spirits sink low along with the drone. This is it. After this, who knows when I’ll see him again.

We land on the ground, but neither of us moves. We sit a moment longer in silence.

“Melinda. That cabin in the mountains is your home. I will arrange for you to receive your own drone and it will be cleared to pass through my security system. Whenever you wish to return, all you have to do is fly it to the cabin. Day or night, I will welcome you by my side, my love. I am yours, for eternity. Do not ever doubt it.”

I nod mutely, then open the drone door and climb down. Without looking back, I go to my front door, unlock it with my code and enter.

Chapter 44


One quarter moon rotation has passed without my love by my side. I obtain daily news about her from Kiristen who gets it from Troy. I have even spoken to Wyatt, under the pretext of asking after his shows. As promised, they have all sold out, and later tonight, I am taking my sons and daughters to a concert by a famous Earth musician called Ricky Charles.

I sit on the bench facing the mountainside view, idly strumming on my lanjo. Melinda loved spending her mornings here beside me as I played my music, enjoying the sight of endless verdant hills. My heart pinches in pain. Wherever she is right now, she is hurting too, I know. How do I ease this pain? What am I to do to get her back? I cannot undo the thing that is causing her to hurt the most—that baby growing in Pirofena’s belly.

There is a knock at the door. “Enter!” I call out.

Kiristen walks in, and spotting me on the bench, comes to sit beside me. I continue playing, and he sits listening, not talking, until I put the instrument down. “What is it, son?” I murmur.

His tail twitches and flutters over my legs. I bring my own tail up and tangle it with his in a gesture of comfort. Sometimes, such gestures are more powerful than words. We sit there for a long while, our tails joined in solidarity. Eventually, he speaks. “Mother is desperately sorry, pa. She wonders if or when you will ever forgive her.”

I give a long exhale of displeasure. For this past quarter moon rotation, I have made the cabin my home. I have avoided even going inside the main house, except when absolutely necessary. I have found it difficult to talk to Merostena after the role she played that fateful day.

“She hurt me deeply and betrayed my trust.”

“I know, pa.”

“With deep feminine intuition, she struck at Melinda where she knew it would hurt her most—her childlessness. She knew what sending Pirofena to me in her breeding time would do. She banked on the fact it would drive Melinda away, and hoped it would restore me to them as before.”

“All this, I know. Undoubtedly, she has done wrong. She knows this and is sorry.”

I nod wordlessly. I hope in time, I will be able to overcome my hurt and distrust of my old companion. But not right now.

“All this will take time, Kiristen. Right now, my priority is Melinda. Healing her hurt is what matters to me most. Your mother will have to wait.”

“I understand.”

“What news do you have of Melinda?”

“She will be at the concert tonight.”
