Page 148 of Melinda's Choice

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“I thought as much. Hearing the excited way she talked about this Ricky Charles, I know she would not want to miss his show.”

“Troy too is full of anticipation. I am excited to see what the fuss is all about.”

“We must be prepared for the fact that this man’s music speaks to Humans more than us. However, I am going with an open mind.”

“Great art should transcend all barriers.”

“That is true, my son.”

He kisses my cheek. “I shall see you later, pa. Go in peace.”

“Go in peace, my beloved son.”


I think of Melinda as I wait patiently in the drone for each of my children to get on board. She is never far from my mind. I am in the larger craft as we are all travelling together. This one can easily fit the seven of us, including Troy, who has moved in with Kiristen permanently. Soon, there will be one more. I have seen Pirofena only briefly to ask after her health, but the baby seems to be growing healthily. It is much too soon for us to discover its sex or for a bump to show on Pirofena’s belly, but already, I love this child and look forward to the day when I can hold him or her in my arms. No matter the circumstances of its conception, this child is a blessing and will be loved. I only hope Melinda will see it this way one day, when the hurt has faded.

Kiritela runs up the steps to the drone and rushes toward me. “Pa!” I hold out my arms for my little star. She wraps her slim tail around my middle, planting a sloppy kiss on my cheek. “Little star, how was your day?” I ask tenderly.

“It was ok.” This little jargon she has learned from being around Troy, who uses it a lot in his speech. “I have been waiting all day to go and see the Humans perform their music.”

“And now we are going.”

“Will we see Melinda there?”

My little star misses Melinda greatly. She keeps asking when she will come back. Unfortunately, I have not been able to give her a satisfactory answer.

“I hope so.”

The other children troop inside the drone. Kirilor, my middle son, comes to sit beside me and repeats his younger sister’s question. “Will Melinda be there?”

It is a testament to Melinda that all my children are already so deeply attached to her. She is made for motherhood. I still do not fully understand why she and Wyatt did not have a child of their own. It pains me that she refuses to have mine. I give my son the same answer. “I hope so, Kirilor. I have missed her very much.”

Kirishar, always so earnest and thoughtful, pins me with a glance. “Will she ever forgive you, father?”

That boy understands far more than he should. I honor his question with a considered response. “I do not think it is a matter of forgiveness, Kirishar, but more a matter of hurt. I think it will take some time for it to stop causing her so much pain. I believe time is a great healer, but I am impatient and want her back as soon as possible. I must do something to help ease that pain and show her how much she is loved.”

“What do you propose?” asks Kiristen, just as our drone rises into the air.

“I do not know, my son. It is taxing my mind greatly.”

“Some kind of grand gesture should do the trick,” agrees Troy. “She’s aching to be back with you, but that whole baby thing is what is holding her back. It’s not easy to see a woman half your age carry the child you so desperately wanted to have yourself.”

“What kind of grand gesture could I do? I am not a theatrical person prone to that kind of thing. I would do anything in my power to bring her happiness. But what?”

Troy shrugs. “You’re asking the wrong person. The most romantic thing I’ve ever done is get down on one knee and propose to this one here.” He brings an arm around Kiristen and draws his body to him, kissing the top of his head.

Kiristen sighs happily. “It was very romantic, my love.”

It is bittersweet to watch these two together. They are so happily in love—a sad contrast to my misery.

Kirimara ponders the issue then states, “Pa, you are a public figure still. Could you not do something on the news broadcasts perhaps? Make a public declaration of your love in front of everyone. Would she like that do you think?”

I think about it. “It is a possibility. I am not sure if that would sway her.”

“You could take her on a ride in the ocean with Turi,” suggests Kirishar helpfully.

“Have Dresolor cook her a feast with her favorite Human foods,” thinks Kirilor.
