Page 15 of Melinda's Choice

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I smile. “That’s the same thing Wyatt asked, and the answer is yes. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve missed Earth. Just being able to walk outside in the fresh air is a gift. But now that I’ve had a taste of life beyond our planet, I’m hungry to explore and know more.”

“How’s Wyatt? I haven’t seen him in forever.”

“He’s doing well. The practice is booming. I think he made the right choice, switching careers. He’s a people person and a giver. Being a chiropractor suits him a hell of a lot more than the cutthroat world of business.”

“You may be right. I’m curious. How is it working out between you two?”

“It’s good. We’re still friends.”

Elise scrutinizes me in silence. I blurt, “Ok, maybe a little more than friends.”

“Don’t tell me you’re sleeping with your ex?”

I flush and study the dessert menu with rapt attention.

“Jesus, Mel. What are you thinking?”

“I know it sounds all kinds of wrong, and we’ll stop doing it someday—when he meets someone else and it gets serious. Until then, it just feels natural to be together when we can.”

“Sweetie, he’s not your husband anymore.”

“You don’t need to tell me that. I know.”

“But you still haven’t got him out of your system.”

“It’s hard to move on from someone who’s been an important part of your life for so many years,” I say quietly.

She shakes her head disapprovingly. “Well, I guess then it’s all the more reason to get well away.” She pauses and regards me speculatively. “The Ven ambassadorship has yet to be decided and it could be yours if you play your cards right. I warn you though, there’s some stiff competition for the position.”


“Lucas Rivera.”

“Well color me surprised. I knew there must have been a reason for him coming to Mars to see off our candidates for the exchange program.”

“He’s hungry for a slice of the intergalactic political pie. Just like you, he sees the potential there. But you have advantages you need to press. Your expertise, your existing relationships with the Venorians, the prestige of having been the person to make first contact with them. It’s all to play for.”

“So, who do I have to see to make this happen?”

“For starters, get yourself a meeting with Peyton Miller.”

Peyton is the President’s chief of staff, and as luck would have it, I already have an appointment with her as part of my Mars debrief. “That I can do.”


I keep busy the next few weeks, paying a visit to my parents and to my sister Harper. I shop for a new wardrobe—when it comes to fashion, the amenities on Mars are severely lacking. I make calls, do some schmoozing, and start the momentum going for my candidacy. Each night, I sleep in Wyatt’s arms, taking comfort and pleasure from him but all the while knowing how fleeting this feeling is. One day soon, as Elise said, I will have to get him out of my system, permanently. That day hasn’t come yet.

I’m focused on getting all my ducks in a row, one of which is this meeting I have today with Peyton Miller. I dress with care, wanting to project the right image. Slipping on a newly bought fitted navy pant suit, with a coral pink blouse beneath, I examine myself critically in the full-length mirror. I keep to a strict fitness regimen, so despite my middle age, I’m still trim and toned. I turn sideways to observe my figure. My breasts are small, but that’s no bad thing in my line of work. I don’t have to worry about lecherous individuals looking down my cleavage when I’m trying to be taken seriously. Despite my Latin heritage, I don’t have a big booty either. My butt is ordinary—not flat exactly, but not the type that men, or women, lust after. Again, an advantage workwise. I do everything in my power to appear business-like and professional. Nothing about me screams “sexy lady”.

Strong arms slip around my waist and draw me against a hard, muscled chest. I breathe in Wyatt’s seductive scent, musky and woodsy, a combination of him and his cologne. Closing my eyes, I bask in the pleasure of being in his arms. It feels so good. He kisses the side of my neck and murmurs in my ear, “Good morning, sexy lady.”

I can’t help laughing at that. “Wyatt honey, you’ve got to get your eyes examined. I was just admiring how unsexy and professional I look.”

He turns me around so we’re both facing the mirror. I take in my wavy dark brown hair that has not even a hint of gray, thanks to regular tinting treatments. It’s been cut and styled at the salon just this week in wispy bangs that frame my face. My brows have been lasered to a neat arch above my dark, long-lashed eyes, which are my best feature, I think. I’m no beauty. My mouth is a little too wide, my nose too snub, but I look eminently presentable, so I’ll take that.

Wyatt too is perusing me in the mirror. “Look at you Mel. One gorgeous, sexy lady.”

I turn in his arms with a smile and kiss him. “I think you might be just a tad biased, but thanks.” I step back and point to myself. “So, what do you think. Will this do for a meeting at the White House?”
