Page 153 of Melinda's Choice

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That wakes him. He sits up, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “Say that again.”

“It’s time I get over myself and go back to Kirimor. I’ll take the drone and go to him after breakfast.”

“Wait up, wait up. What’s the big rush?”

“Wyatt, when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start right away.”

“Isn’t that a famous quote from an old movie?”

“It is, but it’s also very true.”

“Ok right, but maybe take some time to think it over. How about you wait until after the performance tonight? I know Kirimor has got tickets to go.”

I consider it. “No, I still think it’s better if I go to him now. Think about it. We could go to the ballet together as a date if we’re back together again.”

“Mel, I really think you should wait.”

I frown at him. “Wyatt, are you still harboring a hope that you and I might get back together? Is that it?”

He blows out a frustrated breath. “No, that’s not it at all. I just think the timing is off. Best wait until the evening to see him.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Wyatt Garcia, what aren’t you telling me?”

He holds his hands up innocently. “Nothing. Just stating an opinion.”

“Well in that case, I beg to differ from that opinion. I’m going to him straight after I’ve had my coffee.”

He huffs. “If that’s what you want, then do it.”

I stand and march to the bathroom. “I will.”

A half hour later, I climb into the drone and program the journey to the cabin. I tap my fingers impatiently throughout the short journey. Now that my decision’s been made, I can’t wait to see him again. The drone lands, and before the engine even has a chance to shut off, I’m out of it and scrambling towards the cabin. I open the door and step inside. “Kirimor!”

I’m met with silence. It doesn’t take me long to realize he’s not in. I pace about restlessly. Should I just wait for him here? Or should I call and find out where he is? I hold my communicator indecisively. Perhaps I should call. I’m about to tap his name when there’s a knock on the door. A moment later, Kiristen walks in. He stops in his tracks when he sees me. “Melinda! I did not expect to see you here.” Then his face breaks into a grin. “I am so glad you came.” He rushes over to me and holds out his arms. I walk into them and feel him hold me tight. “We’ve missed you so much. Pa will be so happy when he finds out you are here.”

I step away and ask, “Where is he?”

“He has had to go on a last minute trip to the eastern sector to look at some parts for a new machine he is building.”

“Oh. Will he be back for the ballet tonight?”

“Yes, I believe he plans to go straight to the university and meet us there. Will you be going too?”

“Yes, I wouldn’t miss the final night’s performance.”

“Perhaps I can escort you there?”

“Would you mind? I know Wyatt needs to go there extra early, but I’d rather not.”

“It will be my privilege. I will come and get you with my brother and sisters and Troy. They have all missed you and will be so excited to see you.”

I smile. “I’ve missed them too.”

“Then it is settled.”

Reluctantly, I follow him out the door. With a murmured "Go in peace," we each get into our separate drones and fly out.

Ok, so the rest of my life won’t start quite as soon as I wanted. Patience. Only a few hours more and I’ll see him at the ballet. Perhaps I should wear that dress again, the one I wore at the banquet. Or not. Maybe I should go dressed in just my Krovatian loin cloth. My lips quirk into a crafty smile.
