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Chapter 48


Trust my challenging Earth female to scupper all my plans. I had to beat a hasty exit from the cabin when Wyatt called telling me Melinda was on her way. What I would have given to have seen her! But I have made my plans.

I have spent several rotations in preparation. There is a feast of delicious Earth dishes—plus a plate ofmishu—being prepared by Dresolor as we speak. Yesterday, I finally managed to locate Turi after a long swim in the ocean. She whistled her agreement when I outlined my plan.

And of course, I have spent many beats with Ricky Charles, practising the song. I believe our harmonious rendition will impress my lovely female. I very much hope so. I have also, with Wyatt’s assistance, procured her ring size and had a beautiful golden ring, set with a vlor stone, made especially for her. All is ready and now, I await the moment impatiently.

Kiristen has been told to make excuses to Melinda for my tardiness. She believes I am still stuck in the eastern sector, unavoidably delayed. In actual fact, I am backstage, among the dancers and musicians that will be performing tonight. I watch in amusement as Wyatt paces back and forth, stressing out about this, that or the other. That male certainly has a nervous disposition. He needs a calm, soothing presence in his life, like that magnificent Venorian female that called him cute.

The curtain goes up. I watch the performance from the wings. From the looks and sounds of it, it is going well. Wyatt comes to stand beside me and instinctively, I wrap my tail around him. “Relax Wyatt. All is going well. It is I who should be nervous, not you.”

I release him from my grasp as he raises a brow. “And you’re not?”

I shrug. “Perhaps only a little.”

“Well it helps to know she wants you back.”

I make a happy rumbling sound in my chest. “That it does.”

The curtain goes down on the performance. The dancers take their bows amidst the loud hums of appreciation. I take out my communicator and send a one word message to Kiristen. “Ready?”

He responds with a thumbs up, another new habit inspired by Troy. I look over at Ricky Charles, standing on the other side of the wings, and nod. Seeing the signal, Wyatt has the curtain rise again. Holding a guitar in one hand —that is what that lanjo-like instrument is called—Ricky Charles struts onto the stage. An excited murmur goes through the crowd. Then they hush in anticipation.

“Good evening everyone. My name is Ricky Charles and I’m here tonight by special request to sing a song for a beautiful lady named Melinda. Someone you all know is here to sing the song with me. Kirimor, please join me onstage!”

I know my cue. Without hesitation, I walk onto the stage and join Ricky Charles. I turn to him. “Thank you Ricky for agreeing to this very special request.” Then I face the audience, unable to locate Melinda in the darkness of the auditorium, but trusting that she is there. “Melinda, my love, this song is for you.”

Ricky Charles begins to strum the first chords on his guitar. It has been agreed that I will sing the first part alone, then he will join me on the chorus in a beautiful harmony. I take a deep breath and begin to sing as if my life depends on it.

I know you hurt, my love I hurt too

I know what I did, what I did, what I did was wrong

but I can’t take it back. All I can hope is that

One day, one day

You will bless me with your light again.

One day, one day

there will be no more pain

One day, I live for that one day

when you will be mine again.

The song continues until Ricky Charles strums the final chords, then silence falls. I address the darkness of the audience. “Melinda, my love, please come up here.”

There is some slight scuffling, then I see a tall form stand and make its way towards the stage. As she approaches, I see her face for the first time, wet with tears. Stumbling a little, she climbs the steps onto the stage and walks towards me. She stops a few paces away, her eyes welling with emotion. I fall to one knee. “Melinda, love of my life. If the past half moon rotation has taught me anything, it is that life without you is devoid of joy. If you will let me, I would like to spend the rest of my days by your side, filling both our cups with overflowing joy and happiness.”

I take out the ring and proffer it to her. “Melinda, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

She takes a step closer, then another, until she stands before me. Her lips tremble. Tears flow. Gently, I repeat the question. “Melinda, please will you marry me?”

“Yes,” she croaks.
