Page 22 of Melinda's Choice

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We stay like this a long time. Eventually, I kiss the top of her head gently and say, “Baby girl, I do believe you have the makings of a fine drasha.”

She sighs in bliss. “It is all I have ever wanted, sicortar.”

I stroke my hands down her back. “We shall see. Sholinar will need to conduct further investigations, including meeting with your family, to ensure this is the right step for you to take. I will let him escort you back to your village after we have bathed, and you have eaten some sustenance.”

“Yes, sicortar.”

I kiss her again. “You have pleased me greatly, Pirofena.”

Chapter 8


“Go in peace.”

I have just bid Pirofena and Sholinar goodbye. He will be taking her back home and spending some time in her village, finding out everything he can about her. All my instincts tell me she will become my drasha, but I owe it to my family and to Pirofena, to make absolutely sure.

My communicator buzzes with a call. I glance to see it is Merostena and pick up.

“Kirimor dearest, are you not joining us for lunch today?”

I have been so distracted by Pirofena, that I lost track of the time. Contritely, I say, “I am sorry my dear. Something came up, but I am on my way home now.”

“I will tell Dresolor to keep the food warm until then.”

“Thank you my sweet.”

Quickly, I place my feet into sandals and head out to my transport. I receive visitors in my official rooms in the city, as I do not like strangers to enter the sanctity of my home. It is only a ten minute ride away in my solar powered drone, so hopefully I will not keep my family waiting too much longer for their lunch. In seconds, I have activated the engine and started the journey home.

I approach my compound shortly after. The secure and extensive grounds include the temple building, my house and some separate housing for my staff, including Sholinar and his family, Dresolor, our cook, and the groundskeepers. I land the drone neatly in the covered parking bay and jump out, eager now for some food after the exertions of the morning.

The early afternoon heat is stifling, but as I walk into the main atrium of my house, I breathe in the cool, fragrant air. I was personally involved in all aspects of the design of my home. Few buildings in Krovatia, except for mine, have cooling systems beyond solar powered fans, as befits our ethos of respecting the environment—an ethos that came about as a result of our history.

Our old planet had been cool, with skies as gray as the color of our skin. On arrival in the much hotter climate of Krovatia, and with no option to use our polluting cooling technology, many of our ancestors took to wearing as few clothes as possible. To other species, we appear a primitive race, going about in nothing but loin cloths, but that is far from the truth. We are happy though, to maintain the fiction that we are more technologically backward than we really are.

I have always felt though, that it could be possible to live in greater comfort without compromising our environment. In my spare time, I have tinkered with various technological inventions. After all, designing technology was what I had been planning to do with my life before I became a sicor. Over the last few decades, I have designed several different cooling systems that do not impact our environment negatively. When I was elevated to sicortar, I built this home and had one installed. There were a few teething problems at first, but I soon fixed them, and now, I have the pleasure of a cool, fresh environment for myself, my family and my staff. It is so cool in fact, that I shiver slightly in just my loincloth after being out in the heat. Quickly, I head to my chamber and wash my hands, before pulling on a loose shirt, lovingly embroidered by Jolpinesa, another of my drashas. Then I am rushing down the stairs to the dining room, where I am sure my family awaits me with impatience.

As I walk in, I am accosted by a flying missile in the form of my youngest daughter, Kiritela. I laugh and throw her up in the air before dropping her back into my arms again. “Pa, we’re hungry!”

“I am sorry, my little star, but I am here now, so let us eat!”

I carry her with me to the low round table and sit myself down on the mat, keeping her in my lap. “And what delights has Dresolor made for us today?” I ask.

Kirilor, my middle son, pipes up, “He has madechilos. That is why we have been waiting for you so impatiently.”

“Well son, in that case I am doubly sorry to have kept you waiting.”

“Why were you late?” asks Kirimara, pouring me a glass ofnari.

I smile my thanks at her. At twenty sun rotations old, she is a fine young woman, and I am amazingly proud of her. “I had a visitor late in the morning who had come from afar to see me. She is likely to become my drasha, so you shall meet her soon I am sure.”

At this, all eyes turn to me. It is not every day that a new person is introduced to our household. Kiristen, my eldest, casts his serious eyes towards me. “What is her name?”

“She is called Pirofena. Sholinar has taken her back to her home in the south sector, and he is looking into her background, so that is why you may not see him for another rotation or two. If all his investigations show her to be the right fit, then I will invite her to join our household.”

“What is she like?” asks Kirishar curiously. My third son is earnest and studious, with his face always buried in a book.

There is nothing for it but to impart the most salient fact. “She is lively and young, only twenty-two sun rotations old.”
