Page 23 of Melinda's Choice

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At this, Kiristen splutters. “But father, that is the same age as me!”

I look coolly at him. “I am well aware of that, Kiristen.”

“Will it not be odd to have a drasha young enough to be your daughter?”

“She is an adult, Kiristen, and clearly not my daughter,” I say firmly.

My eldest daughter looks at me inquiringly as she holds up a slice ofchilos. “Did you check out her aura?”

“Of course. I would not consider bringing anyone into our home without doing so. Her aura is bright and there is no malice in her. She is also extremely devoted to me.”

“As are we all,” remarks Merostena.

I smile fondly at her. “I know, my dear, and I thank Taya every day for the blessing of having all of you in my life.”

Kirimara takes another bite from herchilosand chews thoughtfully. “I think she may be just what you need, father. I look forward to meeting her.”

“Is she pretty?” asks little Kiritela.

I ruffle her hair. “Very.”

“Then I like her already.”

Her brother elbows her. “We do not judge people on their looks, silly!”

“That is enough, Kirishar,” I say sternly. “Apologize to your sister now.”

He flushes and looks down at his hands. “Sorry,” he mutters.

“You are quite right in saying that we should never judge people on their looks, but although Pirofena is very pretty, her beauty is also on the inside. I was struck by the brightness of her aura. I think you will all like her very much.”

Jolpinesa, sitting on the other side of me, places a hand on my knee. “I am sure we will.”

I kiss her cheek, then turn my attention to the food. As we eat, the conversation flows to other subjects. Kiristen is a little morose at the moment, for he is nursing a broken heart. He has a tendency to fall in love with every pretty male he meets.

“I thought he was the one,” he says now in a sad voice.

I sip on my nari as I listen to his sister gently rib him. “That is what you said about Riloshar, who you dated before.”

“You are young yet,” his mother chides him. “Why not enjoy coupling with handsome males without convincing yourself each time that they are the love of your life? There is plenty of time before you need think about mating.”

“That is what I try to do, but I cannot help it if I fall in love!”

“How was work today?” I ask him, deflecting attention from his broken heart.

He brightens up. “It was good! I was allowed to teach mathematics and science to a senior class.” My son has chosen to become an educator and is currently in his final year of training.

“Did they behave for you?” teases Kirimara.

“For the most part. I had to break up a group of girls who were getting very chatty. I used my teacher voice on them and asked them to change places.”

Kirishar sniggers, “What teacher voice is that?”

Kiristen levels a stare at his brother, then says in a clipped tone, “Kirishar, please stand and go sit over there.”

I chuckle. “Not bad, my son. We will make an excellent teacher of you yet.”

He smiles happily, then remembers something else. “Oh, and I had to send out a boy who was drawing pretty flowers on the breast of the girl sitting next to him.”
