Page 24 of Melinda's Choice

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Kirimara laughs. “I did that once to a girl. The teacher never noticed though, so I got away with it.”

“It was a little awkward,” continues Kiristen. “He had drawn circles around her nipple and was poking the pen right on her teat. They are only fourteen sun rotations old, much too young for that kind of thing!”

“Hmm, I think you have forgotten what it is like to be that age, Kiristen.”

“Speaking of work,” chimes in Cleotola, “what news have you of the aliens that are coming to live on our planet?”

“They will be arriving in another moon rotation,” I say. “There will be a delegation of Driskians, Venorians and Humans.”

“Will we get to meet them?” asks Kirilor.

“There will be a state dinner welcoming them to Krovatia. I may take two of you with me, but I am not choosing, so decide between yourselves and no arguing about it.”

“They say Driskians are reptiles with green skin,” says Kirishar with relish.

“If you plan to stare at them, then I am afraid I will not be taking you,” I say.

“What do Humans look like?” wonders Kiristen.

“In appearance, I believe they are not unlike us, perhaps a little smaller in size, but their skin is a more earthy color, and they do not have a tail.”

“I would very much like it if I could go with you,” he says.

I look at my first-born fondly, then tease him. “I will take you Kiristen, only if you promise not to fall in love with the first pretty face you see.”

His lips quirk in amusement. “Then we have a deal, father.”


The following morning, I come awake slowly and stretch my body lazily. That is when I become aware of a heavy weight on top of me. I open my eyes and look down, unsurprised to find Kiritela fast asleep on my chest, her tail wrapped around me and her mouth slightly ajar as she breathes in and out.

I am in the habit of sleeping alone, but of late, I have woken to company in the form of my youngest daughter. She wakes at night, probably to go relieve herself, and then on instinct comes to me, snuggling up to my comforting warmth.

I stroke her hair gently. In all honesty, I do not mind. Whenever I get mournful about my life, I think of my children—each and every one of them a blessing—and realize I cannot complain about my fate. Indisputably, I had other plans for my life when I was younger. I wanted to set the inventing world on fire, and I had vague ideas of finding a mate whose soul called to me. Instead, my path took another direction altogether. The work of a sicortar is burdensome and often lonely. Having to absorb evil and negative energy into my being is always painful and unpleasant. And the task of converting that evil into good is never easy. My lovely drashas help me with sexual relief when I am in the temple, and occasionally at home, but they are not my mates. They never will be. I offer them a comfortable life in my home and father children with them, but other than that they are free to pursue their own interests. Each of them has their separate private quarters, which I never enter without invitation.

On the positive side, I have more material riches than I could ever wish for, as sicortars are well compensated for the sacrifices they make. I am highly respected in my world and have a say in the decision-making at the highest level. But more than all that, I have my children. They truly are the joy of my life. In a society that discourages large families, it is a privilege to be allowed to have one. Another perk of being a sicortar.

I kiss the top of Kiritela’s head, then shake her gently awake. “Wake up, little star.”

“Mmm, don’t want to,” she mumbles.

I tickle her tail and she wiggles playfully. “Stop!”

“Then wake up.”

“Alright, alright.”

She sits up slowly and yawns.

“Go find your mama, so you can wash and get yourself ready for school. I shall see you shortly for the morning repast. Off you go little one.”

She kisses my cheek sloppily and does as instructed. Then it is my turn to get out of bed and clean myself in the attached washing room. I pull on a fresh loin cloth and head out.

Later that morning, I arrive at my official rooms to begin another day of receiving visitors. As Sholinar is not here, his mate, Floritela, is stepping in to help. I smile at her. “Blessings Floritela. Thank you for being here today.”

“It is my privilege, sicortar.”

“Have you heard from Sholinar? How is his business prospering?”
