Page 32 of Melinda's Choice

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The officer nods. “That is good. Then I shall go inform sicortar that you are ready.” He turns to leave, followed by the rest of the officers except for two, who take position on either side of the door.

We all take off our shoes and sit ourselves down on the mat, which is surprisingly soft and springy. “A ceremony?” I whisper to Troy. “Any ideas?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

“They talked of us being scanned,” murmurs Avery.

Pravol, looking thoughtful, says very quietly, “I wonder if the Krovatians also have a telepathic ability, perhaps under the influence of the crystals.” From the corner of my eye, I see him take hold of Treylor’s hand in a reassuring gesture that brings a dull ache to my heart.

We sit for a while longer, waiting in silence. Although it is infinitely cooler down here than on the surface outside, I feel a trickle of sweat run down the middle of my back. I take a deep breath in, maintaining a calm demeanor despite the jangle of anticipatory nerves I’m feeling.

It’s a good few minutes before we hear the sound of the door sliding open behind us. I raise my eyes and see the officers stride back in. They step aside and allow a tall, powerfully built man wearing only a loin cloth to enter the room. My eyes follow him as he steps imperiously forward and comes to a stop before us, legs in a wide stance, hands on hips. He peruses us silently, no hint of warmth in his forbidding expression. I steal a glance at him, taking in acres of pale gray skin decorated with swirls of tattoos that snake around his arms and make their way across his broad, muscled chest. My eyes flick down, noting the muscular thighs and a large, unmistakable bulge in his loin cloth. I take in a sharp breath.Jesus, this guy is a priest?

I force my gaze back up and meet his dark, glittering eyes that are fixed on me. For an endless moment, I’m caught in his stare. My pulse races, and I feel myself flush.Who the fuck is this guy?

Then I see him nod to someone behind me. An instant later, two beautiful women come forward, wearing only loin cloths, just like him. He indicates with his eyes where they should sit and they go to a mat set at the back of the room, gracefully kneeling on the floor.Who are these women? Are they his assistants?

I have no time to ponder this as the sicortar lowers himself to the floor beside the incense burner, placing his hands on his crossed legs. One of the officers comes forward, bearing a small box which he places at the sicortar’s feet, then withdraws. The sicortar takes it and I see him select a dark pink stone, then place it on the incense burner. This must be the boral crystal I’ve heard so much about. As it heats up, I see it change color to a dark purple. I cast a quick look at my Venorians friends, just to check they are alright. Treylor meets my eyes and nods imperceptibly. Good.

Then my attention is back on the priest. His eyes are glued to the boral crystal as he begins to chant a prayer to the mighty goddess Taya, asking her to shine a light and root out all darkness. His prayer finished, he raises his eyes and observes us again, but this time, there is a difference in his gaze. It takes me a moment to realize he’s in some kind of trance. His eyes stare, but there is a blank quality to them. As they come to rest on me, I feel a shiver of energy pulse down my spine.What on earth is he doing? Is this how he scans people? What can he see?

One by one, I see him scan each of us. When he comes to Avery, he pauses. He stares at her in intense concentration for what seems like forever, but she doesn’t squirm. Instead, I see her drown in his gaze, deep breaths coming in and out of her.What is going on?

As he continues to focus his gaze on Avery, I look quickly to Troy. He shrugs, as if to say, “Hell if I know!” My gaze transfers to Pravol and Treylor. They shake their heads, confirming they too have no clue why Avery seems to be getting all this attention. I bring my focus back to the sicortar. He holds himself very stiffly, his eyes never leaving Avery. He almost looks as if he’s in pain. Then I hear him emit a low growl. He takes deep breaths in and out, grunting with every exhale.What is happening to him?

His tail, which until now had been lying dormant on the floor, springs up, swirling with nervous energy. And there’s something else. The bulge in his loin cloth has become a solidly erect tree trunk.He’s turned on?On the back of that thought there’s another.My God he’s big!

My eyes stray to the two women at the back. They too are taking deep breaths in and out as they look devotedly at him. The one on the right, who seems to be only in her early twenties, slides a hand down to her crotch and begins rubbing herself through the loin cloth. I’m suddenly conscious of a wave of sexual energy bouncing around the room, all of it emanating from him, the sicortar.

He continues grunting deeply, eyes locked on Avery. With each grunt, I feel the sexual tension ramp up. My panties are growing damp, and not with sweat. I breathe in a male musky smell. It’s him. Now I too am taking deep breaths in and out, inhaling that intoxicating masculine scent with all my might. My core throbs and clenches, and I have an urge to touch myself down there. I force my hands to be still, squeezing them into fists.

In front of me, the sicortar’s grunting is getting louder and louder. Then, with a final exhale, he looks up and gestures with his hand, pointing to the door. The lead officer immediately comes forward and makes a motion for us to stand. I get to my feet awkwardly, embarrassingly aware of my aroused state. Quickly, we put our shoes back on and follow the officers out of the room. As I walk out, I can’t resist a backward glance. With a shocked breath, I see the sicortar whip off his loin cloth with a loud bestial grunt and free his massive cock, erect and dripping with precum. As the door closes behind us, I catch a final glimpse of the young woman coming over to straddle that large cock.Jesus, what did I just see?

With rapid footsteps, I follow the group, my heart beating a staccato, as we are led to another room. This one is more spacious. Once again, there are mats on the floor—the Krovatians seem to have a liking for them—and a low table laden with plates of food and jugs of a pale peach liquid. The officer smiles, “Please make yourselves comfortable and have some refreshment. There are facilities in the room beyond, should you need to use them. Our checks have been successful, and transport should arrive shortly to take you to your new homes.”

“Thank you,” I say, then risk the question. “Is there a reason why the sicortar’s attention seemed fixed on my colleague over here?”

He hesitates. “Yes, but I am not the person to explain it. Just know that the problem was resolved, and all is fine now.”

“Problem? What problem?”

His gaze flies to Avery then returns to mine. “I-I do not know how to say. The sicortar is able to see your aura and absorb negative energy. He saw something that was not good, so he dealt with it.”

“Are you saying he saw something negative in Avery?”

He struggles to find a suitable response, and Avery jumps in. “It’s alright Melinda, I’m fine. In fact, I feel more than fine. I’m not sure what he saw, but it feels like a big weight has been removed from my shoulders.” She beams at me as I stare at her, nonplussed.

The officer, looking relieved, makes his excuses and hurries out of the room.

I look at Avery in concern. “Are you sure you’re alright?”

“More than alright,” she says cheerfully. “This smells good and I feel ravenous. Let’s eat!”

Reluctantly, I sit down and help myself to some food, which turns out to be delicious. Treylor, who has been silent up till now, shares her thoughts on what has just happened. “Well, that was very interesting. Was it not Pravol?”

“Yes, Treylor mine. It confirmed my suspicion that the Krovatians, or at least their priests, have a telepathic ability. It is not quite like ours, which is based on touch, but I could feel him probe each of us in his trance.”

“What do you think was this problem that had to be resolved?” asks Troy.
