Page 33 of Melinda's Choice

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Pravol looks uncomfortable. “It is something that I picked up on previously in my interactions with you, but it is gone now, so it seems the sicortar was able to deal with it.”

“Deal with what?”

Pravol is silent, so his mate is the one to speak. “We picked up some negative feelings from Avery towards you, Melinda—but it is gone now. The sicortar must have somehow removed that negative energy from her.” She turns to Avery and smiles. Lo and behold, Avery grins back. It’s like she’s a different person.

“I’m not sure I understand. Avery, did you have negative feelings towards me?”

She sighs. “I’m sorry, Melinda. I let my jealousy overrule me. Everything seems to fall into your lap so easily whereas I’ve had to work twice as hard to get where I am.”

“That’s not true! Nothing comes easy. Any success I’ve had has been down to hard work. Nothing has ever fallen into my lap.”

She makes a placating gesture. “I know, and I’m sorry. That was how I felt before, but the feeling is gone now, believe me. That guy is incredibly powerful. What he did to me back there… wow! As I said before, it’s like a weight has been taken off me. It feels great.”

I stare are her, mystified. Treylor reaches across the table and squeezes my hand. “Do not fret about it, Melinda. Just accept that now, you have a colleague who is much more favorably disposed toward you than before. You can thank the sicortar for that.”

“I guess. This is all so bizarre.”

“I know,” smiles Treylor. “Already, I have so much to report back to the authorities in Ven.”

“Yes, I was just thinking the same.”

Just then, a Krovatian officer walks in and tells us our transport has arrived. We hastily get to our feet and follow him, up the whooshing elevator to the surface where a large drone awaits us. And then, we’re truly on our way to our new home on the planet of Krovatia.

Chapter 12


As a favor to Denishar, I have agreed to vet the alien newcomers in person. With my abilities, I could have just as well done the job from the comfort of my temple, but he insisted it was important for me to assess the possible risk they pose face-to-face.

I do not expect that I will need sexual relief from my drashas, as my job is simply to scan the aura of these aliens and check for any danger from them. However, just in case there is a need for me to neutralize them, I have brought Cleotola with me, as well as my latest drasha, Pirofena. I can sense her buzzing with excitement at her first official outing with me. I only hope she is not too disappointed when it is all over.

We arrive at the holding center, a secure underground structure located a quarter rotation’s journey from the city. I am escorted with due honor and respect afforded to me, down to the room where the aliens await me. I have come across Venorians before, but I am curious to see these Humans. I step inside the room and walk to the center, slowly examining these new visitors to my planet.

I see five Venorians, easily recognizable from their stature and the bronze tone of their skin. Two of them sit close together—perhaps they are mates. The other three, two males and a female, sit across from them and withstand my scrutiny serenely. I do not sense any negativity from them, but my holy trance will soon tell me for sure.

I transfer my attention to the Humans. Curious creatures. They have an interesting flesh color, ranging from a pale, nearly white complexion in one of the females, to the dark brown skin on the male. He is well built, with a musculature that denotes regular physical activity, though of course, nothing compared to my great stature. Physically, these aliens seem not to be dissimilar to us apart from the skin tone, although none of them have tails, more is the pity.

As I gaze at them, I feel myself being observed intently by the final female in the Human group. Her eyes fly to mine, and for a few intense moments, we stare at each other. I sense avid curiosity in her dark brown, thickly lashed eyes. I do not miss the slight flare of her nostrils and the speeding up of her breaths. Well, well, I do believe this female alien is attracted to me. And well she should be. I am sicortar after all. I hide my amusement and signal my drashas to position themselves at the back of the room. Then, I start the holy ceremony.

Once the boral crystal is gathering heat on the burner, I chant my prayer and enter into a trance. As I suspected, the Venorians all display bright auras, with no hint of negative energy. These persons will not pose a problem to us, of that I am sure. Then, I turn to the Humans.

The male Human has a warm, bright aura. A good person. Satisfied, I move to the female who was scrutinizing me so intently earlier. I am met with bright shades of yellow and orange—another warm aura with no hint of negativity. There are also little streaks of pale green, possibly denoting anxiety and sadness. Perhaps it is anxiety at being on a strange planet and sadness at being away from her loved ones back home. I linger a little on her, feeling her warm energy pulse and reach out towards me. Hmm. An interesting female.

Lastly, I turn to the other Human female, the one with the pale, pale skin and rosy cheeks. Immediately, I stiffen. Oozing out of this female are streaks of muddy green, and sparks of dark blue. So much hatred and envy taking root in her small frame. I feel it drift out of her and, very interestingly, it all seems to be directed towards her female neighbor. I cannot let such evil fester. With an internal sigh, I set to work, drawing all that negativity towards me, sucking it into my chest and holding it down with all my might.

With a growl, I break it down, and let it dissipate. My breaths heave in and out with the effort, my cock engorges, and my balls fill with roiling cum. I grunt, my need for physical relief coming to the fore. I need to sink into my drashas, and I need to do it now. With one final exhale, I force myself out of my trance and signal to the officers that the ceremony is over. They quickly escort the aliens out, but I cannot wait any longer. Before the door is closed on them, I whip off my loin cloth and growl my need. Pirofena, proving herself to be an excellent drasha, comes to straddle me, and I ram my hard, dripping cock straight into her tight, hot heat. I fuck her hard, driving my erection deep into her over and over.

When I come out of a holy trance where I have had to suck evil energy, I am like a man possessed—all raging need. And so I fuck and fuck. When I have drenched her cunt with my cum, I move to my other drasha. I push Cleotola to her hands and knees, and with a still hard cock, I thrust into her from behind. My tail wraps around her tightly, imprisoning her in my embrace as I fuck her time and time again, showering her with the juices of my loins until finally, I am sated.

Exhausted, I pull out of her and collapse on the mat. I feel my drashas stand and go to the washroom. They return with a bowl of warm water and a washcloth. As I lay there, unable to move, they clean me gently and thoroughly. Thank Taya for my wonderful drashas. Once we are all clean, we nestle together on the mat, heads propped on the cushions, and slumber.

We awake sometime later and enjoy a repast before making our way back to my drone and flying home.

Chapter 13


I jog up the front steps and unlock the door, entering the quiet of my house. It’s when I step into my empty home at the end of each day that I’m most assailed by loneliness. What good is a hard day’s toil when all I have to go home to is this space, devoid of human warmth?
