Page 39 of Melinda's Choice

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“The water city?” Troy asks, intrigued.

Kiristen nods eagerly. “Yes, it is a very popular place for Krovatians to spend their leisure time. It is formed of many interconnected pools of fresh water. I am sure you would enjoy it.”

Troy smiles warmly. “That sounds like fun. I’m in. How about you Melinda, and Avery?”

“It sounds great,” Avery says, “though I’d have to be careful not to burn my pale skin in the sun.”

“That is not a problem,” Kiristen assures her. “Our pale gray skin is also vulnerable to the ultra violet rays of the sun. That is why we have developed technology to protect ourselves. When you arrive at the water city, you will walk through a special spray that coats your body with one hundred per cent protection from the harmful rays.”

“Well in that case, count me in too.”

They both turn to me. I grin. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

Kiristen smiles happily, his eyes still worshipful on Troy. “Great! I will come to take you from your quarters tomorrow morning at four beats past the sunrise.”

I’m still grappling with the Krovatian concept of time. They measure it in “beats”, which so far as I can gather, are each equivalent to around ten minutes. So, four beats past sunrise should be around forty minutes after sunrise. An early time to head out, but sensible if we’re to avoid the worst heat of the midday sun.

“We look forward to it,” I say. From the periphery of my vision, I catch a private exchange between the sicortar and his wife. He nods his head towards Kiristen and Troy, then gives her a meaningful look. She shakes her head in mild exasperation and the sicortar smiles, a twinkle in his amused eyes. I look quickly away.

Just then, the official in charge of the proceedings comes towards us, inviting us to take our seats for dinner. We follow him to our table, lowering ourselves onto the floor cushions with as much grace as we can manage. This sitting on the floor business is taking some getting used to. I’m just congratulating myself on managing this feat without flashing my underwear at anyone when I notice who has seated himself next to me on my right. Damn that devil priest of a man!

Despite my best efforts to ignore him, his close proximity sets my pulse racing. The scent of him assaults my nostrils—a musky aroma that’s entirely too masculine and sexual. I’ve scented it once before, in that room when he did that growly thing to Avery, just before he whipped off his loin cloth and sank his cock in a woman half his age. Damn the man! This is one attraction I definitely do not want to feel.

He reaches across from me to a small round container from which he produces a steaming, lightly scented towel. Without invitation, he takes one of my hands and begins to gently cleanse it with the towel.

“Oh,” I murmur. “I can do this myself, thank you,” and try to grab hold of the towel.

He growls and bats the offending hand away, continuing with his task.

“Really,” I say, “there’s no need. I’m perfectly capable of cleaning my own hands.”

Again, I’m met with a growl while he takes my other hand and wipes it clean. Then, without a word, he throws the used towel in a basket by his side and takes a fresh one out of the container. This time, I see him turn to his wife who sits on his other side, and cleanse her hands for her. Lastly, he uses a third towel to both clean his hands and wipe his face. I look discreetly around the table and notice the other Krovatian males doing the same thing. A few seats to my left, Kiristen is wiping Avery’s hands, a studious expression on his face, as if he wants to ensure he does the task just right.Okay. So this must be some kind of Krovatian custom.

But that’s not where it ends. Next, the sicortar reaches for a dish which contains some peculiar looking pale green balls. He takes one and brings it to my mouth. “Open,” he barks. Of their own volition, my lips part and he pops the ball into my mouth. I bite into a crispy exterior, then I taste a delicious combination of fresh herbs and a soft type of flavorsome meat on the inside.

I chew the delicious food under his watchful gaze. “Mmm, thanks,” I say. “These are wonderful. What do you call them?”

“They are calledmishu. Would you like another?”

“It’s fine, I can help myself. The dish is right here. There’s no need—”

Another tasty green ball ofmishuis popped into my mouth. While I’m busy chewing and swallowing, I see him plop a ball into his wife’s mouth too. Well really, this is too much. Are females not supposed to eat for themselves on this planet? Again, I cast a discreet look around the table at the other Krovatian guests. None of the other males seem to be feeding their female neighbors.

Encouraged, I decide to explore the food for myself. I reach towards a dish that contains what look like meatballs in a creamy sauce. The sicortar bats my hand away yet again. “Have patience!” he exclaims in a disgruntled tone.

“Really, there is no need for this. The food is right in front of me. I’m quite able to help myself without your assistance.”

“Female, will you stop? I have no time for this nonsense.”

I feel my hackles rise. “I do not wish to cause offence, but really sir, I am well capable of eating on my own.” And I reach once more for the dish of meatballs.

An angry growl reverberates in my ears. A moment later, the sicortar’s long tail whips up into the air, twirls into a lasso and slips over both my wrists, tightening around them in a choke hold. I can’t believe this! The bastard of a priest has tied me up, with his darned tail of all things.

Keeping my voice low, I hiss, “Let me go now, or so help me God—”

At this, he laughs. The devil priest actually laughs. “You will do what? Call for help and shame yourself even further? What a glorious impression you will make on my people, and this on your first official appearance too.”

I close my mouth with a snap, aware of the truth of his statement. I take a deep breath in to try to get my anger under control, then try again. “Sir, I am asking you kindly and politely to please release my hands.”
