Page 40 of Melinda's Choice

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He considers me for a few moments, then gives his answer. “No.” Then he turns to his wife and murmurs something in her ear. She glances at me and nods. He kisses her cheek, then reaches for a side dish containing a mountain of pale, fluffy round little grains. He scoops some up with a large serving spoon onto his plate, then takes the creamy meatball dish and pours some of it over the rice-like grains on his plate. I sit and fume in silence, not wanting to cause a scene. I look to Troy, sitting to my left, for assistance, but his attention is entirely focused on Kiristen, sitting next to him.Just great.

I try to prise my hands apart, but my efforts are simply rewarded with a tightening of his tail around me. His fucking tail! If steam could come out of my ears, it would. I have never before been humiliated quite like this.

He ignores me and takes a long implement with two prongs, and begins to cut up the meatballs, or whatever it is those balls are. From another bowl, he takes some colorful diced vegetables and sprinkles them on top. To this mixture he now adds a little spoonful of some crunchy looking powder—maybe from some kind of crushed nuts—and finally, he scatters a few green herby leaves on top. He takes a small, curved wafer from another dish, and scoops a little of the mixture on to it, then brings it to my mouth. “Eat,” he orders.

Out of sheer spite, I keep my mouth clamped shut, my eyes spitting fury at him. He bends toward me, putting his mouth to my ear. “Melinda. You will eat from my hands, that is a promise.” He takes my earlobe between his teeth and bites gently. I go rigid in shock. The gall of this man! His wife is sitting right next to us, and there he is manhandling me. Unbelievable!

My eyes fly around the table to see if our little spat is getting any attention. A Krovatian female sitting across from me watches us with a smile, then she calmly begins to eat and converse with her neighbor, totally unaffected. So, no help coming from that quarter.

The sicortar brings the food to my lips once more. “Melinda, open.”

I think quickly. My choices are, either make a scene or just let the annoying man feed me and deal with it afterward. Reluctantly, I part my lips. He slips the wonderfully aromatic food into my mouth, and I bite into it automatically. I’m not prepared for the explosion of delicious flavors on my tongue. The food is good, really, really good. I bite and chew, savoring the texture and mix of flavors that complement each other perfectly. I’m so entranced by it, that for a minute, I forget my anger and simply enjoy.

Next to me, the sicortar purrs in satisfaction. “That is my good girl.” He takes a second wafer and makes another mouthful of food for me. This time, when he brings it to my lips, I don’t demur but take it in hungrily.

Ok, so he may possibly be the most irritating male on the planet, and a cheat to boot, but this food… I think I’ll suspend my annoyance just long enough to partake in the delicious feast. There will be plenty of time for a reckoning afterward.

For the next few minutes, I eat in silence as he feeds me, making the occasional involuntary moan of pleasure. He brings a glass ofnarito my lips, allowing me a few sips of the refreshing drink, then feeds me something else, this time a type of rolled flat bread with an aromatic, spicy filling. Over the next half-hour, I eat everything he gives me, all of it utterly delicious. And I forget to be angry with him in my pleasure.

I notice Troy finally pry his attention from Kiristen to cast a puzzled glance at me and my hands still tied up with the sicortar’s tail. He says something to Kiristen, who also glances at us, surprise and amusement on his face. I see him whisper something in Troy’s ear, and Troy’s chuckle. That’s when I look down at my hands and realize the sicortar’s tail is no longer imprisoning them in a tight hold. Instead, the knot around me has loosened and his tail is stroking my hands in a soft, rhythmic motion. I barely have time to take this in before the sicortar feeds me another bite of something delicious, a soft and gooey sweet thing. I can’t help a moan at how good it feels.

The sicortar hums in his deep, gravelly voice, “Such a good girl, Melinda. It is a joy to see you eat. You have pleased me greatly.” He kisses the soft, sensitive skin beneath my earlobe, and I quiver in response. Wait a minute, I’m supposed to be angry at him, right? But all I can do in this instant is breathe heavily and flood my panties. Great God, what is this man doing to me?

The man in question sniffs the air and grins broadly. “You are pleased too. That is good. Go in peace, Melinda.” Then he stands, as does his wife, and walks away without another look.

I’m shell shocked, still not quite believing the events that have just unfolded. As I try to recover my senses, Troy sidles up to me. “Holy shit Melinda, what was that about?”

I exhale a deep breath and try to get my bearings back. “If I knew, I would tell you.”

Behind him, Kiristen approaches me shyly. “My father is a difficult man to impress, but I see you have made a great impression on him, as you have on me. I have been most honored to meet you, Melinda.”

I smile back at him. “And I you, Kiristen. I look forward to our outing tomorrow.”

“Me too. Go in peace.” He turns to Troy, his heart in his eyes. “Troy, I am so joyful to have met you tonight, and I cannot wait to see you again. Go in peace.”

“Go in peace,” responds my colleague, with a warm smile. Kiristen gives us a final bow, then takes his leave.

We all stand and make our farewells to the other guests before heading back home, each of us quiet in the drone, reflecting on the curious turn of events this evening.

Chapter 16


I came to tonight’s banquet curious to meet the alien visitors to our planet and also keen to see the Human female that so captivated me the last time. Melinda—what a sensual sounding name. It suits her.

I had no plans for seduction, but then I saw her contemptuous, snide expression which she quickly tried to mask. Nobody is allowed to disrespect the sicortar. Who does she think she is to look down on me? I decided there and then that I would, after all, seduce the female, and put her in her place.

I purposefully followed in her wake and sat beside her at the dinner table. I took great pleasure in tying her up with my tail and seeing her frustration and anger at being so imprisoned. I could not resist biting the soft flesh of her ear. And then I fed her luscious lips and watched her sigh and moan in pleasure. I smelled her arousal and walked away, mission accomplished.

Now, sitting in my drone on the flight home, with a cock that steadfastly remains rock hard, I am not so sure who it was that was doing the seducing. Merostena, sitting beside me, voices what she has no doubt been thinking all evening. “You are attracted to this Human.”

I look down at the tent in my loin cloth and chuckle ruefully. “It would seem so.”

“It has been a long time since you have expressed an interest in a female other than your drashas.”

“The very longest time. Merostena, I have not looked for pleasure elsewhere since Kiristen was born.”

My son rouses from his reverie to ask, “Why now father?”
