Page 41 of Melinda's Choice

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I shrug. “I do not know. When I scanned her, it seemed like her aura called to me. And tonight, I meant only to teach her a lesson for disrespecting me, but in the end, I got caught in her web just the same.”

“I did not see her disrespecting you, father.”

“It was only a fleeting expression of distaste on her face when she was introduced to us. I do not know why, but in that moment, the female looked extremely disapproving. I did not care for that expression.”

My son is thoughtful for a while, then says, “Perhaps it was because the first time she saw you, it was with your other drashas.”

I raise my brows. “I do not follow. Why would that be a problem?”

“Well,” my son says, “I had an interesting discussion with Troy about his culture. On Earth, people do not as a rule have multiple partners. They have something called marriage, which is very close to a mating. I am guessing that she must have assumed that mother is your mate and that you were not being true to her when you brought your other drashas with you on that last occasion.”

“Why would she think that?” I ask irritably. “I introduced Merostena as my drasha, not as my mate!”

“Perhaps she did not understand the termdrasha, and thought it was a Krovatian word for being a mate.”

I ponder this new information. I suppose it makes sense. It would explain the change in her demeanor when I introduced her to Merostena. I blow out a breath in frustration. I do not like to be misunderstood nor my morals to be impugned.

“You may be right son. You are showing wisdom beyond your years.”

He sighs. “If I am, it is only because I am in love, and sometimes the eyes of love make you see things more clearly.”

I look at him in amusement. “Kiristen, I distinctly remember your promise not to fall in love with anyone at this banquet.”

“I remember that too,” says Merostena.

Our son puts a hand to his heart. “Father, mother, I know you have heard this before, but he is the one. I know it.”

“Why should we believe you this time?” asks his mother.

“I agree it sounds like I have been flighty, falling in and out of love with every pretty face I see. But tonight was different. I cannot explain why. I just know with a deep certainty that I have met the person I want as my mate.”

“He is an outsider, Kiristen, not one of us.”

“The heart wants what it wants, mother. He is the one. I know it.”

I gaze at my son in perturbation. “Kiristen, I do not want you to get hurt. You must know these Humans are only here for a short time, and then they shall return to their world. Please son, have a care for your heart.”

He looks at me steadily. “As you have a care for yours?”

I snort. “I am not in love! Merely attracted to this Human. I may or may not decide to conduct a short relationship with her and explore this attraction, but that is all it will be. It cannot possibly be more.”

“How can you be so sure, when it is the first time in over twenty sun rotations that you have felt an interest in someone other than a drasha?”

I stare at him nonplussed. He has a point. But then I gather myself and reply primly, “Because I will not let it happen. As a sicortar, you know I cannot have a mate, and therefore I cannot allow myself the indulgence of falling in love—at least not the wild romantic love you envisage.” I put an arm around Merostena and kiss the top of her head. “Of course, I love all my drashas and my family, but that is different.”

“So this Human female is just someone you will dally with, without it affecting your heart?”

“I have not decided yet what I shall do, but I certainly do not plan to fall in love. That would be extremely foolish.”

“In that case, call me foolish, for I have fallen in love. Make no mistake.”

I sigh, feeling every one of my forty-nine sun rotations. “For your sake, my son, I hope it is not so.”

Chapter 17


My interview with Peyton Miller does not go well. She responded to my message with an invitation to meet online for a ten minute slot the following day. And so here we are. I have laid my request before her, and been met with a resounding no.
