Page 54 of Melinda's Choice

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He smiles. “The great themes of the human condition.”

I point a finger at him. “That’s right! And you know, that got me thinking. What would be the best way to foster greater understanding between ourselves and alien races?”

“The arts?”


He regards me with interest. “And you have an idea for some kind of cultural exchange via the arts.”

“Not only an idea, but a plan. I’ve even come up with a name and a brand—The Interstellar Arts Company. The company will stage a variety of different shows each year, showcasing the range of human arts, including ballet, opera, theater, music of all genres, movies, and visual arts.”

“That’s ambitious, Wyatt. How do you propose to do that?”

“I’ve sent an application to the Krovatian authorities through a personal contact I have over there, explaining my plan. I’ve also communicated with Martha Reynolds, who mated with the Venorian crown prince. She’ll be arriving on Earth in three days’ time on a Venorian cargo ship. I told her my idea and she loves it. Through her mind connection with her mate, she’s already obtained the go-ahead for me to travel to Ven with a troupe of performers. And transport will hopefully not be an issue either, as I’m soon to meet the commander of the Venorian cargo ship to negotiate terms.”

Dwight raises his brows. “I’m impressed. But how will you put a show together?”

I grin. “I had dinner with my good friend Mike last night, who also happens to be the artistic director of the Washington Ballet. They’re on a recess break after tonight’s performance, and the dancers won’t be needed back for rehearsals until October, when they begin preparing for their winter program. In the meantime, the dancers are free to do whatever they want, as long as they do not injure themselves doing it. I had brunch this morning with a group of principal dancers and soloists who are keen to be the first people from Earth to perform a ballet off planet. We’re in the process of coming up with a program of ballets they could perform and recruiting the musicians we’ll need to take with us. I’m also in talks with the Royal Shakespeare Company in the UK about the possibility of taking the current plays they are performing on tour with us. Oh, and I’ve made overtures to Ricky Charles’s management about him doing some shows with us too. I read somewhere about his interest in travelling to other planets. I’m hoping he’ll say yes. So basically, I’m working round the clock to get my program together and my artists signed up.”

“Are you sure you haven’t bitten off more than you can chew?”

I smile. “Putting together deals is what I do best, Dwight. I have no doubt I can do this.”

He regards me solemnly. “There is still the other matter. To do this, you will have to fly.”

I take a deep breath. “Yes, I know. And I’m determined to do it, but I’ll need your help.”

He nods. “I will do my best, Wyatt, but the rest is up to you. There is also something else you may not have considered.”

I eye him curiously. “What else?”

“When you finally arrive in Krovatia, there is no guarantee that your ex-wife will still be single and willing to get back together with you.”


I don’t respond straight away, thinking through the ramifications. If I go all out with this, overcoming my fears and turning my life inside out, only to discover that Melinda has moved on, how will I feel? Not good, that’s for sure. “I’ll fight to win her back. She’s too important to slip through my fingers.”

“Wyatt, she is her own person and has the right to make decisions for herself. She may decide not to take you back. You need to be prepared for that.”

“I hear what you say, Dwight, but we have a long history and we love each other. Before she left, she asked me to go with her. There is every chance that I will win her back.”

“And what if you don’t?”

I sigh. “Then that will suck big time.”

“Enough to make you regret having gone there?”

I think about this for a minute. “No, whatever happens, I have to give this a try. I’m doing this for me just as much as for her.”

Dwight gives me a warm smile. “I’m glad to hear it.”

“So, let’s get started on this fear of flying thing. What do we do?”

“We? No, Wyatt, it’s not me that has to do anything. It’s you.”

“So, what should I do.”

He taps his fingers on the scuffed top of his desk. “It’s very simple really. Take your communicator out and book a drone to take you back home. Then, when it arrives, you get in and let it fly you to your destination.”
